Today is my birthday! It’s been a great day. Kev was off due to the snow, so it was a low-key and relaxing day. I slept in this morning {which is usually around 8am} and we ate out for dinner, which meant I didn’t step foot in the kitchen all day. It was marvelous.
Since I’m relaxation mode and my brain doesn’t want to think too much this evening, I thought it would be fun to share 33 random facts about myself to commemorate my 33 years of life. These are in no particular order and are probably as random as they can get.
1. I have lived in 3 states – North Carolina {until I was 10}, Maryland {until I was 18 and went off to college}, and Virginia {since I never went back after graduating college}.
2. I do not like cats.
3. I was a member of Sandi Patty’s “Friendship Company” as a child. Don’t ask. 🙂
4. My mother and I went to the same college.
5. I love old houses – they have so much character and charm.
6. I do not have a passport.
7. I have never been farther west than Arkansas.
8. I LOVE the beach.
9. I am a city girl at heart, but love the idea of living in the country with the slower pace of life!
10. I love country music.
11. I am not a natural leader and prefer following any day of the week, unless the leader is clueless!
12. I am a perfectionist, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at my house.
13. I am a sociable introvert. I love being with friends and family, but it tires me out and I need to re-charge afterwards.
14. I am emotional and cry at the drop of a hat.
15. The thought of walking into a room of strangers scares me to death – I’m terrible at making small talk.
16. I took dance as a child and always loved tap the most. I took a tap class for 2 semesters during college and still loved it!
17. I can blame my love of The Bachelor on the show called Joe Millionaire. I think it was only on for one season, but wet my reality TV dating show appetite.
18. I won a car at the after-prom party my senior year.
19. I grew up in a Christian home and asked for Jesus to forgive my sins and be Lord of my life when I was 7 years old.
20. I was a terrible bed-wetter as a child and my mom resorted to purchasing a device called the “Wee Alert” to help break my bad habit. Thankfully, it worked!
21. I played practiced with the high school basketball team. I love watching the sport, but was not meant to play it competitively, which is why I quit after my junior year.
22. I used to walk and talk in my sleep until I got married.
23. I am 5 feet 11 inches tall.
24. My favorite movie of all time is probably Anne of Green Gables.
25. I love musicals.
26. I was in the choir and participated in the high school musical too.
27. I do not enjoy running. I trained and participated in my first 10k almost 4 years ago and loved the feeling of accomplishment, but still can’t say I enjoy running.
28. I am a very heavy sleeper, even since having children.
29. I secretly wish my husband was an avid sports fan and watched them on TV.
30. I was in a sorority in college, but never went to “Frat Row” on the weekends. I was usually either babysitting or in my dorm/apartment watching movies in my pajamas with friends.
31. I was a flag girl in the high school marching band.
32. I don’t believe in soul mates, but am still a hopeless romantic.
33. I loved my twenties, but my thirties just may be my favorite decade yet!
* * * * * *
Any random facts you’d care to share about yourself?
Enjoyed reading your random facts…here's mine,1-Lived in Kentucky always, but visited Florida,Texas,N.& S. Carolina,Wisconsin ..2- I don't like pets indoors,my husband adores our indoor dog 🙂 .. 3- I went to an Outdoor all day Christain Music gathering called ''Agape'' in Illinois .. 4-I look a lot like my Mama 🙂 .. 5- I like old houses ,live in an olden day one,that my husband's uncle got his first kiss in. 6- I don't have a passport either…. 7- I have never flown in an airplane .. 8 – I love walking barefoot by the ocean,and how the waves wash the sand out from under my feet. 9- I enjoy different types of music at different times, stirring,teaching good things,romantic, K-love ..10 – I cry pretty easy too ,not always when somebody sees.. 11- I could have written your #'s11,12,13,15 … (12 )- when I was a teen ( a good while back) 🙂 I was a square dancer..''The Polka Dot Kids''…and the dresses :)))))) 13 – I love Musicales ,& Singing .. 14 -I play the guitar,by ear .. 15 -I never drove a car till after I married … 15- I didn't grow up in a Christain home, but I did ask Jesus to forgive my sins,and be Lord of my life when I was 27 years old … 16 – I have one sweet sister ''Debbie'' 17- I was born in August ,premature,an only weighed 3lbs. 13 oz.. 18 – I played on neighborhood ball teams… 19- I have 3 grown children,7 grandchildren ( thankful) .. 19 – I have sung in church choirs,biblestudies,around campfires & in the shower :)..20 -My favorite musical is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 21- My favorite movie is Christ In October (Hallmark) .. 22- I love to go camping,and stay awhile .. 23- I am short 5 feet 2 ..24 – I love snow .. 25 -I love home grown tomatoes 26 – I'm a sound sleeper ,but when My children were young any sound from them would wake me.. 26 – I secretly wish my white haired man would not make funny faces at me ,every time I watch the sound of music ''again'' 🙂 .. 27- I like to lick the popcorn paper :))) 28 – I love sitting on the porch swing wrapped up in a throw with my Cracker Barrel Coffee in hand ,savoring a good thunder storm 29 – I do NOT like fishing worms.. 30- I love to steam the windows up cooking on Thanksgiving morning .. 31- I love road trips 32- I love seeing my military overseas Son's face on Skype,and hearing his voice 33- I love when the phone rings,and I hear the voice on the other end say mom, or grandma…Hope you enjoy,now for a cup of good coffee :))),have a day full of ''wonder''full
Oh,one more thing… HaPpY bIrThDaY !!!… filled with the sweetest joys 🙂
Thanks for the birthday wishes! And your list was so fun – Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is one of my faves and I practically have Sound of Music memorized! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
one mistake above…the ''movie '' is titled ''Christmas In November'' and is a Hallmark movie..I do not know why I put Christ in October.. ha,ha, please excuse… 🙂 and my granddaughter and I know every song by heart in Seven Brides,and Sound of Music so fun..:)