Today, Kev and I celebrate 11 years of marriage! It’s hard to believe – it’s gone by so fast but yet I almost don’t remember life before him. While I wish I could say that we have a romantic evening planned tonight, that wouldn’t be truthful since he’s actually at his first drill with the National Guard this weekend. But, we were able to celebrate on Thursday evening which was really nice. We’re so thankful for dear friends who are willing to watch our kids so we can have a date night and for generous family members who give us gift cards to restaurants.
As I mentioned on my Facebook page yesterday, I hit a blogging wall trying to write this post. Since today is our anniversary, I knew I wanted to post about marriage but I just couldn’t organize my thoughts into anything that made any sense. I think part of it is because marriage such a personal topic. I pour my heart in to all my posts, but even more so when I write about marriage or my own marriage.
I kept hopping back and forth between different angles to take, making lists for each one but nothing was really flowing. Finally, I took to Facebook for any opinions and had a friend {Thanks, Megan} suggest a post about 11 Things I’d Tell Myself 11 Years Ago. I loved the idea and I think I may have actually jotted that idea down a couple months ago when I attended a wedding. I must have lost that Post-it note – surprise, surprise!!
So, here it is, my heart poured out for you in a blog post. An honest look into some of the things I’ve failed miserably at and things I’m still learning to this very day.
# 1. You and Kev are not as alike as you think you are, but choose to view those differences as a blessing and not a curse.
# 2. Give up your “right” to be right.
# 3. Talk less and pray more.
# 4. Trust the Holy Spirit to do His job, because He’s far better at it than you.
# 5. Sex is not as “natural” as you think and does not always come easy.
# 6. You and Kev are on the same team, now act like it!
# 7. Treasure your years before children because as precious as they are, marriage will become harder once they enter the picture.
# 8. Value Kev’s opinion more than that of your parents or anyone else – he wants to be respected and trusted, whether he verbalizes it or not.
# 9. Do everything in your power to not go to bed angry or without saying you’re sorry.
# 10. Try to view the hardships as a growth opportunity for your marriage – walking through them as a couple will cement you together more than you know.
# 11. The purpose of your marriage is not about you and making your life better or easier, but about God and displaying his character to a lost world who needs Him and doesn’t understand Him.
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What would you go back and tell your newlywed self?
If you want to read our love story from the very beginning, click HERE.
#11 is very profound statement.
Marriage has taught me so much about God and his love for me – the fact that I get to be married to my best friend seems to be the icing on the cake! 🙂
Great and insightful words that every newlywed bride should take to heart!
I don't know about insightful, but hopefully they are helpful to someone! I'm learning a lot and still have a LONG way to go when it comes to marriage! 🙂
I have been reading your blog for about a year. I love how humble and REAL you are. Anyways I connect with you:)
Thank you so much for those kind words! It means a lot b/c I don't ever want to come across as someone who knows it all or has it all together – that couldn't be further from the truth!! Thanks for commenting! 🙂
I love all of these, particularly number 11. I've only been married 3 years, but I'm working hard on all of these things to make my marriage the best it can be! Thanks for the great reminders 🙂
Thanks so much! I think it's great that you are being intentional about working on your marriage so early on – it takes some people a long time to learn that lesson! 🙂
#5 is on point. I would tell newlywed me that God equipped me to be the best wife and mom I can be. Not the best wife and mom that I compare myself to.
So true, Katie! The comparison game is so useless!