**Before I get started with today’s post, I have to acknowledge that there are some changes coming to this little blog o’mine. In case you hadn’t noticed yet already, this blog can now be found at:
If you are still using my original blogger address (www.seddins.blogspot.com), that’s totally fine, but don’t be alarmed when it links you back to my new domain name. It’s not by accident, I promise. I’ll fill you in on my thoughts behind some of the changes later, but I hope it won’t scare you off in the meantime.
This week, I’d like to introduce you to a new weekly series on my blog called…..
may have seen some of my random posts about saving money here or there,
because it’s something I’ve become really passionate about since I quit
work when our daughter was born and we’ve had to live on my husband’s teacher’s salary. I thought I’d share what little I
know and all the new things I’m learning along the way.
week, I will feature some facet of our attempt to live on my
husband’s teaching salary. You may see some posts about my shopping trips, my attempts at DIY, or just general ways that we make this whole single-income family thing work. It’s a work in progress, so we’ll see how this goes.
It’s been an interesting journey for our family and we’ve
certainly been blessed, so I don’t want this to be anything less than an encouragement to those of you who are looking to be better stewards of your hard earned money.
Check back next Tuesday for my first official The Teacher’s Salary series post. I’m still working on my first few posts, so please leave me a comment if you have any specific questions about how we live on The teacher’s salary.
Fun!! Can't wait to keep reading along!
I hope it will be fun! The wheels have been spinning for a while! 🙂