I can hardly believe that you are over halfway to your first birthday! Where is the time going?
Here is what you are up to these days.
* You get 4 bottles a day (every 4 hours during the day) and will drink about 7 ozs. for each one. My milk supply is holding up alright with pumping 3-4 times, but we usually have to use some formula for 1 of your bottles. I could probably pump more, but this is working well for us. We are rolling with it! 🙂
* You are doing really well with your solids! We have introduced all of the single ingredient babyfoods – rice cereal, oatmeal, green veggies (green beans & sweet peas), orange veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash), and fruits (apples, bananas, peaches, pears, and prunes). You will eat all of them, but sometimes turn your nose up at the green veggies. We keep giving them to you though! Your menu typically looks something like this – Breakfast: milk/oatmeal/fruit, Lunch: milk/orange veggie/fruit, and Dinner: green veggie/oatmeal/fruit. I think you would be very interested in some of the early finger foods (puffs, yogurt bites, etc.), but I keep forgetting to pick some up at the store!
* You are sleeping about 11-12 hours at night which has been wonderful! Your last bottle is at 7:00pm and then you are in bed until the morning. You are so cute when you wake up in the mornings. Lately, you play and talk quietly for sometimes up to a half hour if I let you!
* You are taking 2 naps each day. You are awake for about 2 hours in the morning before you take your morning nap at around 9:30am. You have been sleeping 1.5-2 hrs. You are awake for about 2 more hours before you take your afternoon nap around 1-1:30pm and sleep at least 2 hrs.
* You are still a major tummy sleeper. I put you down on your back, but you always end up on your belly and with your head nestled into the corner of the crib.
* You are wearing 6-9 months clothes, although I am putting you in some 9-12 months rompers and/or onesies. It’s been fun to see those thunder thighs with this warm weather!
* You love being on the floor on your belly and are getting closer and closer to being mobile! You turn and manage to scoot yourself around in circles if there is something within your reach. You are pushing your upper body way up and then love to flop down into your superman pose and kick like crazy. It’s so funny to watch you do it!
* You are pretty good sitting up by yourself, but I still like to be near you in case you need me to catch you. But, I have noticed that if you fall over to the side, you are strong enough to at least slow your fall down.
* You still drool a ton and have your fingers in your mouth constantly! For your sake, I really wish a tooth would pop through!
* You are getting really good at grabbing for things, but sometimes it ends up being my hair or jewelry! If you get your mind on something, you will do what you can to get it. I can’t sit at the table to eat dinner with you in my lap or you will be all in it! I love that you are so curious!
* You really are a chill baby. Unless you are hungry or over-tired, you are a pure delight! You absolutely adore your sister and smile and talk to her all the time. She’s becoming more and more interested in you and helps me out so much. If I walk away from you while you are crying, she will try and take care of what you need. I’ve caught her wiping your nose after you sneeze or trying to put the bottle in your mouth too. I pray you two are close as you grow up!
Brady, you are such a joy! Though I enjoy Savannah’s ever-growing independence, I am really enjoying the time I get to spend with you in this baby phase! I find myself so much more relaxed because I know that it will all go too fast. Sometimes, I don’t even mind if you wake up early from a nap because it means that I get to spend time alone with just you. I’m trying to take it all in because time is so fleeting! We love you so much, sweet Brady-Boo and can’t wait to see what next month entails!