Today is confession day. I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit that even though my husband is from the deep south, I’ve never made him any sweet tea. I know, he really and truly loves me to stick with me for this long without me knowing the basics!
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I decided that it was about time I learn how to make it for myself so I did what any good wife would do and called up my in-laws to ask them how they make their sweet tea. It was pretty comical because even the two of them make it slightly different, which goes to show you how it really is about personal preference.
I did a little research for myself and combined it with the instructions from my in-laws to come up with what I think is the perfect recipe for southern sweet tea. I thought I’d share it with you all as well in case you are looking for a good tutorial!
Here’s what you’ll need.
3 Family Size tea bags*
2 C. sugar
Add sugar to pitcher* and set aside.
Fill saucepan* with about 4 C. water (or about 1/2 full), add 3 family sized tea bags, and bring to a boil. (If you don’t have family size tea bags, then substitute 2-3 regular bags per every family size bag.)
Let it boil for 1-1.5 minutes and then remove bags.
Pour hot tea concentrate into pitcher and mix well until sugar is dissolved.
Fill the pitcher* up with cold water until full (this should be about 12 C.).
Allow the tea to chill in the refrigerator until cold. Serve over ice!
Feel free to tinker with the number of tea bags and the amount of sugar to find what strength and sweetness you prefer, but I personally felt like 2 C. of sugar was crucial. We started with only 1 C. and it was fine, but 2 C. was perfect for us. They don’t call it sweet tea for nothing!
Also, I hear that the brand of tea is important to some folks. Luzianne* or Lipton*? It seems like there are some strong opinions, but I used Luzianne* for mine. My friends and family say either one is fine with them. Just another preference I guess!
How does your family like their iced tea?
- 3 Family Size tea bags
- 2 C. sugar
- water
- Add 2 C. sugar to pitcher and set aside.
- Fill saucepan with about 4 C. water {or about ½ full}, add 3 family sized tea bags, and bring to a boil. (If you don’t have family size tea bags, then substitute 2-3 regular bags per every family size bag.)
- Let it boil for 1-1.5 minutes and then remove bags.
- Pour hot tea concentrate into pitcher and mix well until sugar is dissolved.
- Fill the pitcher up with cold water until full (this should be about 12 C.).
- Allow the tea to chill in the refrigerator until cold.
- Serve over ice.
That's about our method too! Except we put the sugar in the water to boil so it dissolves for us! haha!
It's funny that you commented b/c I was thinking about your family when I was experimenting….I was curious how y'all made it too!
if you add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the bottom of the pitcher before you add the tea it takes away the bitterness and makes it super smooth too!
I think I remember reading that from a couple of websites!! I'll give that a try next time b/c now I'm curious!
If you don't bring it to a boil it will not be bitter. You should never boil tea. Only steep in that has been brought almost to a boil.
I do not boil my tea bags..I add them after the water has boiled a few minutes. They can burst in boiling water.
Thanks for sharing, Cindi. I guess it would probably work just as well to take it off the heat once the water is boiling and then let the teabags sit in the hot water for the same amount of time. Since I kept mine in the boiling water for so such a short amount of time, I didn't think anything about it.
I stick my tea bags in water and put in the microwave for 5 mins. Never had a bag break and I let it sit to cool a little and get extra flavor from the bags. I do the same bag to sugar ratio you do.
Very interesting!! I never thought about the microwave. Thanks for sharing!
I put mine in the microwave also. I use a big glass measuring cup with 4 cups of water and 2 family size tea bags. I use only Lipton.
Very interesting! I'm definitely going to have to try the microwave method now too.
Have you ever tried making it honey? I add 1/2 cup honey instead of the white sugar. It is our favorite way to make ice tea.
I've never heard of using honey. Use 1/2 C. in place of the 2 C. white sugar?? Or use it in direct ratio? So many different ways to try it! Thanks for sharing!
I'm not from the South, but I love sweet tea every once in a while:) Thanks for the recipe!
I know what you mean! I actually tend to drink more Diet Coke {my mom lectures me all the time about soda} or water to save on calories, but some sweet tea sure does hit the spot sometimes!
I live in WA. Never heard of "family size" tea bags! Now I am curious as to how they compare to regular bags!
you would just use 6 regular tea bags
THANK YOU!!! I read through all the comments before funding the answer to my own question. Yay! Im going to be spending this weekend at my boyfriend's house. He from Arkansas and loves sweet tea!
We love Tetley tea bags, and I can definitely taste a difference between them and Lipton. Lipton seems to have an "ash-ey" taste to it that just lingers. The Tetley tea bags that seem to have the best flavor are the round bags, that don't have any tags. I can never find them at our Walmart, but other grocery stores offer them. Luzianne is our second favorite, but it has a bit more a of "whangy" flavor, like it's fermented a bit. I use my coffee maker to brew the tea by putting 4 Tetley tea bags in the decanter, and then just running plain water through it. I then steep it for approx. 5 mins. If you let it steep too long, it will get bitter. How much water you add determines how strong you want the tea. No baking soda needed if you use the round Tetley tea bags and control how long it steeps!
I know another family from the south, and they also swear by Tetley. Incidentally, I live in a city that is known as the "Birthplace of Sweet Tea".
Thanks for sharing!
I place 4 family size tea bags in a Pyrex 4 cup glass measuring cup. Add approx. 2 cups of water. Put in microwave for 5 minutes. Remove from microwave, cover and let steep for 5 minutes. I add 1/4 cup of sugar for each family size tea bag (4 family tea bags=1 cup of sugar) to a gallon size pitcher. I pour the steeped tea over the sugar in the pitcher. I rinse the tea bags in the glass measuring cup and continue to fill to gallon pitcher with the water until the gallon pitcher is full, pressing the tea bags to release more flavor. Stir, refrigerate and enjoy. To adjust the amount of tea needed, I always remember, 1 tea bag/1/4 cup sugar/1 quart of water.
You are not the first to mention the microwave method, so I guess I really need to try it out! Thanks for sharing!
I use my coffee maker, instead of coffee grounds I put tea bags. It helps my tea brew consistently every time.
Oh wow – I have never thought of that! Great idea!
I've been experimenting with this too; ever since my daughter moved to GA and says "y'all" more than "you guys" now.
Thanks for sharing!
Ha! You aren't a true southerner without saying y'all!
I boil my water in a tea kettle and then pour hot water over 3 tea bags in tea pot. Let it steep at least 15 min, then pour in pitcher with sugar and mix till dissolved. Fill it with cold water.
I’m from the south also and that’s exactly how we make it. well, it’s the quickest way.
Awesome!! I always feel better when other southerners vouch for the method!
I use an ice tea maker. Follow directions of water and ice. I add 1 cup of sugar to pitcher before I add the ice. Stir when finished (light goes off) and it is done. Starting with the Ice makes it cold and ready to drink. Delightful.
Thanks for sharing, Deb! An iced tea maker probably would make it pretty simple.
We just use our coffee pot! I’m the world’s worst to forget tea on the stove and it boil over lol
I just use our coffee.pot.. I’m the world’s worst to forget tea on the stove and it boil over… and I use red diamond gallon size tea bags!
Thanks for sharing, Whitney! I’m not familiar with Red Diamond brand, but I may give it a try. –Sarah
Just came across your sweet tea recipe and had to add my ‘2 cents.’ I laughed when you said that even your in-laws had different methods they liked, because it’s so true among people all over the south especially. Everyone has their own special recipe-generally however their mama did it. Ironically, your’s is very similar to mine, though I’ve never used measuring cups so am not real sure on how much sugar I actually add. I’ve been making tea since I was 7, so I generally eye-ball it now. I did want to point out that, after pouring the pot of tea into the pitcher, I like to keep my bags in the pot so I can run new water over them. It helps get the full tea flavor. Also, I noticed a few comments about tea bags and wanted to add that Community and Luzianne are both wonderful. One tip I do have for anyone wanting to make it: let it cool completely before putting in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it tends to sour.. .
Thanks for your tips, Trinity! I love hearing what works well for you. Have a great night! –Sarah