For the longest time, I really disliked the dollar store. I think part of my aversion to dollar stores was the knick-knack aisle. I am not a knick-knack or trinket person and that section of the store made my skin crawl. If I’m honest, it still does.

But, I’ve come a long way since those early years of loathing the dollar stores. In fact, I visit the dollar store at least once a month now to pick up some of my “go-to” items.
Since I visited the dollar store this past week, I thought it was time for me to spread the word to any of my non dollar store friends. You might be surprised at some of the useful items you can find. Here is my list of 10 things you SHOULD buy at the dollar store.
1. Storage containers
You can find all sorts of plastic storage containers at dollar stores. They are great for storing toiletries, medicines, batteries/flashlights, or anything else that you’d like to keep more organized. They come in all shapes and sizes and with or without lids.
2. Disposable pans
I pick up most of my disposable foil pans at dollar stores. I use these for freezer-cooking or when I bring meals to people. They often come in packs of two, which make them an even better bargain.
3. Storage bags
We use a lot of plastic storage bags in our house, so I love getting these at a cheap price. My local dollar store has a variety of sizes which is great for our family’s needs. I prefer to use brand named bags for my freezer-cooking, but we still use lots of dollar store bags for travel items, snack items, organizing toys or puzzle pieces, etc. We can’t seem to have enough of them around our house!
4. Greeting cards
I love Hallmark cards, but they can be pricey. While there are some occasions that justify spending $5.99 for a greeting card, I love being able to pick up a few cards for my friends or loved ones for a much more affordable price.
5. Party supplies
When I am planning a party, I always start out at the dollar store. Party stores are the place to go if you want very specific patterns or need a large selection, but dollar stores are a great option if you are looking for solid colors or basic items like plastic utensils, platters, or clear drinking cups. They also have vases, votive candles, and other supplies that can be used for centerpieces for your party or event.
6. Cheap toys
The toy aisle at dollar stores can sometimes overwhelm and annoy me. I am typically not a fan of “junk” toys, but I have found that there is sometimes a time and place for them. They can be great for incentives during potty training, goodie bag fillers, or new toys for road trips.
7. Seasonal decorations/items
There is usually a whole section of the dollar stores designated for seasonal decor or toys. Their Christmas containers/tins are perfect for homemade baked goods to give as gifts. They also have some great items that can be used for seasonal decorating.
8. Mailing supplies
When I sell on eBay, I almost always ship my smaller items in the padded envelopes purchased from the dollar store. They are often sold in packs of 2 and you can pick up some packing tape while you are there. I’ve even seen flat photo envelopes as well.
9. Pregnancy/ovulation tests
I’m sort of embarrassed to mention this, but it’s true! Had my friend not told me that these were sold at dollar stores, I would have never known. Or, I wouldn’t have been brave enough to try them for myself. If you are trying to conceive, you know how the costs of these supplies can add up. I’m here to tell you that the ones at the dollar stores do work. 🙂
10. Light bulbs
I’m not sure what will happen with the changes in legislation regarding light bulbs, but I still saw some the other day when I stopped in my dollar store. You might want to consider stocking up while you still can. I always try to buy mine there first.
While I am now a big fan of the dollar stores, there are some items that I do not purchase. Some of those items include:
– cleaning products
– toiletries
– canned goods
There are some items that are actually cheaper when I purchase on sale and with coupons at the retail/grocery/drug store rather than at the dollar store. I can usually get name brands for less money at other stores, so I don’t even bother going down those aisles.
What items do you like to purchase at the dollar store?
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I too have formed a recent love of the dollar store! I have found so many things to do with the items there that cost little! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the storage bins! They saved my craft supplies from a horrific mess! =) Also, the plates and glassware make great serving dishes in a party to match the theme without spending so much! AND the gift bags are a must!
Oh yes, the gift bags!! Thanks for reminding me! 🙂
I am a long time fan of the Dollar Tree. Note: I said the Dollar Tree not the dollar store as not all dollar stores are created equal and the Dollar Tree is by far the best. I often cook for others and use the tins with the card board inserts. I write the cooking insructions and a special note on the white side with a 'sharpie' from the same store. While I find the party plates and forks to be too flimsy for my liking, I do love to get gift bags and their filling as well as mylar baloonsn there. Highlighter pens are also a good deal, usually 3 or 4 pens (and different colors in a pack.
I would have to agree with you – Dollar Tree is my favorite as well. I'm glad you mentioned the balloons and highlighter pens! Those are great ideas too!
I agree The Dollar Tree is the best dollar store. Everything's $1 there. Not all dollar stores have everything priced @ $1.
FYI, The Dollar Tree accepts Manufacturer Coupons! I just got Colgate Toothpaste for FREE with a $1 coupon! You do need watch for sizes / count per package to make sure the item will qualify for the coupon. I use the Favado app to help me match up coupons and Dollar Tree items.
The Dollar Tree sells really cute, decent quality Christmas gift bags and gift tags around the holidays too.
Yes, you are definitely right about some dollar stores not always being $1. I probably should have specified that! You make a great point about Dollar Tree's new coupon policy! I haven't taken advantage of it yet, but I would like to start soon. It makes shopping there even better!!
Thanks for the ideas!!!!
I get lots for my kids christmas stockings at the dollar store – just little coloring books, balls, mirrors, combs, etc… Some of the toys are terrible quality, but if you buzz through you can find some cute things.
Also, always keep my eyes on dishes/glasses, tea towlels, storage, craft (glass beads, twine, candles, fake flowers….)
Great ideas, Julia! And I agree about the quality of some of the toys…but sometimes it doesn't matter {like when my daughter was potty training}. 🙂
Once my boyfriend and I moved out on our own we discovered that The Dollar Tree and the 99 Cent store both have some great selections. The major things we buy there are my lady pads (when they have the brand I like), baggies, paper plates, and air freshener sprays for the bathroom. I will also go there for little holiday decor items, check out the toy section and see if there is anything my nephews would like, and gift bags / tissue papers as well.
I didn't think about air fresheners, but that's a great idea!
Thank you so much for posting. I've often wondered what is cheaper at the Dollar Store but unfortunately never took the time to compare. And advice for Dollar General?
The great thing about the Dollar Tree {and other true dollar stores} is everything is $1 {or sometimes less} so you always know what to expect with prices. Dollar Tree now accepts manufacturer's coupons {though you need to check the size specifications on your coupons to make sure they can be used}. I stop in at Dollar General on occasion, but not as often b/c there isn't one as close to me. I like the store b/c they carry more name brands, they sell clothing and hosiery, and some of their toys seemed to be less "junky," but not everything is a dollar there so you have to be careful or you may spend more than you would think. My advice would be to check out their sales flyer and stop in for some of their best priced items. They also accept coupons, so that is a great perk too! 🙂
Thanks so much for this great list. I greatly appreciate that you added the "Do NOT Buy" list. I was a little sad to discover that the Dollar Tree had pregnancy tests AFTER I finished having kids 🙁 Oh well. LOL
So glad you found it helpful! I was just in there today picking up a few items! Sorry you found out about the tests after it was too late….:-)
Thanks for the list! I love the dollar tree! My daughter is in Middle school. So for end of year gifts last year I bought 6 different little containers at the dollar tree then bought little $1 mini cactus plants at Lowes. Replanting them into the containers. When you have 6 teachers, gifts can get spendy. Spending $2 per teacher was awesome! Can't beat it and everybody loved them!
That is an amazing idea! I have never considered using their containers for plants, but I might use that idea for my daughter's preschool teacher for an end of the year gift!! Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
At Dollar Tree, Frozen pretzels taste just like Super Pretzels over $3 at Publix today. Frozen appetizers like jalapeño poppers are great too and only a dollar.
Thanks for the info! I haven't tried any of their frozen foods, but may have to give them a try!! 🙂
I moved across the country about 2 years ago with very little and had to re-buy most everything when I did, also I am an avid baker and often give away my baked goods. My sister give me dishes (a random bunch from different sets), but my giving of baked goods made my dish supply disappear quite quickly. Rather than going and buying an expensive new set of dishes, I replaced my plates (then bought matching bowls and mugs) at the Dollar Tree! It's a pretty heavy duty set and it's pretty nice to look at! I now have a full set of matching dishes for less than $20…as long as I don't accidentally give them all away again!
That's great! I have glanced at their dishes before and they looked nice, but I haven't bought any yet so I'm glad to know they are working well for you! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I was just there today actually. We like their school section. they have a lot for us to use when I was home schooling my son.
Also, We buy a lot of our kitchen utensils there. For as many as we melt or ruin, I'm not spending full price on them.
We did purchase a shower organizer and a dish scrubber for our shower as well (II mix my own solution and the scrubber works great)
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
I love the dollar tree! I go at least once Week.everything is great there minus the quality of toys. (I still buy for birthday party bags, holiday fillers or if my kids are with me and see something they like) I buy my laundrysoap from there, razors, hair ties -having little girls we go through lots, and I buy snacks from there for the kids.
You should try the Awesome Cleaner at the Dollar Tree! Mix it for carpet cleaning, works great! Also, for those who don't know this..distilled water works much better than tap water for cleaning. My sister and I cleaned her van carpet (she has several kids that spill cokes, etc.) with distilled water ONLY! We just soaked it up with old white towels, no soap, it was crazy!
Thanks for sharing the tip!
I just wanted to second the Awesome powder cleaner at Dollar Tree. I wouldn't have tried it if someone hadn't recommended it to me but I have found that when added to regular laundry detergent it removes those forgotten stains that haven't been pre-treated. It also adds a fresh clean scent that lasts in your clothes.
Thanks for reminding me! I am always looking for ways to get out stains or to brighten my whites, so I will have to pick some up soon.
The hings that you included on your list are usually good to buy at the dollar store. I would like to add hair accessories to that as well. You can usually get nice clips, bows and lots of other accessories at the dollar store and they last a long time.
We don't have a dollar store near us. The closest one is an hour away, but when I do get to visit I love buying organizational things there. One thing I would buy from there though is makeup.
Yes, their organization items are great! 🙂
In regards to cleaning , My mother is a house cleaning pro and she swears by Awesome, which they sell there. Just spray and wait a couple of minutes and it cleans almost anything! Bathrooms, kitchens, tires, greasy barbeque, etc. I also love the stickers for scrapbooking and poster board, even foam poster board! My daughter loves the pkg of 3 mini breakfast pizzas and my mom loves the frozen sausage. You can even get hamburger and hot dog buns and bread.
These are great ideas!! Thanks for sharing.
There isn't much I don't buy at Dollar Tree, Toothpaste (Closeup), Toothbrushes, Cold and cough supplies, LOVE their liquid laundry detergent and fabric softener, disposable coffee cups with lids, individual foil sheets, parchment paper, school supplies, greeting cards, wrapping paper and bows, deodorant, nail polish, eye shadow, Baby shampoos and baby wash instead of shampoo and body wash, hand wash for bathrooms, hand towels, phone cases, car supplies, wine glasses, water glasses, beer glasses, candy, gum, reading glasses, sunglasses, spices, Kosher salt, LOVE pound cake when I can find it I buy 6 and stick them in the freezer, packing tape, Kitchen gadgets, colored handled kitchen knives (awesome, have to watch not to cut myself), Lemon/lime,orange squeezer, aluminum disposable pans at Thanksgiving and Christmas, buy all my zip lock and storage bags and sandwich bags. In the baby isle buy the snack cups 3/1.00 for condiment use for taking lunches. For years I used Sun dishwasher soap, was the only thing that worked in our area, but now Finish is the only thing that works since they changed our water. Cleaning products are all great, there isn't much I haven't used or do not buy at the Dollar Tree other than toilet paper. My theory is buy it once, if I like it, I compare the price and quantity of what I can get at Walmart and in 90% of the cases Dollar Tree is a better value, works just as good, and I can go in and out in a jiff. I live in the middle of three Dollar Trees, all 5 minutes from me, they are all different. We have two weddings, one is getting Pilsner glasses that we will use 6 different "W" fonts for a monogram and etching compound. Will etch the letter and a strip around them. We will do the same with wine glasses and champagne glasses 8 each for the other wedding with an "R". Buy using 6/8 different fonts, no need for using glass charms.
Our 99cent store has great bread…texas toast, bagels, sara lee wheat bread…produce when fresh!!!…seasonal decorations!!!…cleaning supplies!!!…be cautious of drugs and check country where manufactured…no Chinese knock off products!!! not same ingrediants as USA made…als0 extension cords, light bulbs and Christmas lights are not URL tested!!! most are major fire hazards…also be very careful of cheap toys as most are major chocking hazards and badly made with parts that come off and can become deadly to toddlers who put everything in their mouths!!! substitute coloring/sticker books!!!
I love the Dollar Tree. I too, find so many things there that I love from some of the seasonal decorating items to the silk flowers. They are truly bright and beautiful. I love to get some of the make-up products there, as well as there glasses and cups to use as small gifts for friends for birthday's, etc. I also get the square hot pads as well as the hand towels and sew them so that they can hang from my stove or the handles of my cupboards, adding a button. Can give these as at a bridal shower or a house warming gift. Love the hair accessories for my little granddaughter. I have also found some reusable gift bags too that work nice for the gift and then people can reuse them for other things. Again it is my go to store. I have one close to my work place as well as my home.
Great ideas! You are lucky to have them close to your home and work. 🙂
Bread it is fresh ans eggs 6 for $1;00 with eggs so high at other stores $2:00 a doz is right price for me.
I have heard good things about their bread. That price for brand name bread is a great buy! Eggs are getting more expensive. I've never tried them, but glad you've had good luck with purchasing them there!
A lot of Dollar Tree's now have educational things for teachers!! I teach Sunday School and I love looking for fun things to use in class!! Dollar Tree is always my go to store!!
You are absolutely right, Samantha! I just noticed how that aisle seems to have grown recently. Yeah for affordable educational supplies! 🙂
I buy my readers glasses there! I can misplace a pair or break a pair and replace them for only $1.00!
That's good to know! I don't wear glasses at this point, but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for sharing!
While you can save on some things at the dollar store such as claritin 5 for a dollar versus Walmart where you pay about 98.2 cents per pill, never stop there go for the generic Loratadine which is 7.42 for 60 tablets at Walmart. Why stop at that price and with just allergy medicine for $12.00 you can buy 365 10 MG pills of Loratadine Kirkland Signature brand for $12.00 at Amazon is also a great place to buy stuff like pregnancy tests 20 for $6.00, Strep throat tests 25 for $40.00 (less than the price of a doctor's visit and time off work for a false alarm, if you have it you still need to go in to get the prescription but you know you are not wasting time) UTI test strips 100 for $12.00 and it tells you how bad the infection is so that you can treat a minor infection with Cranberry pills and cystex plus with anti bacterial infection which means that you may be able to skip the antibiotics that will weaken your immune system. Dollar tree is great for instant shopping but when I need something cheap I buy it online. In the long term amazon is less. As for cleaners I have found that it is always cheaper and takes much less time to make my own. I can make 120 loads of laundry detergent in just 5 minutes for a cost of just .25 cents the price of which would cost my husband an hour and a half of his time at work to pay for if I were to by it. I have not found a hand washing dish detergent recipe for homemade dish detergent but I have discovered that the dollar tree dish detergent is so watered down in in such a small container that it is not worth the price at the dollar tree and costs less at WalMart or Aldi. Dollar tree bags are of such low quality and high price that Walmart and Aldi beat them every time. I do however purchase my sandwich bags at the dollar tree both fold over 100 for a dollar and zip 55 for a dollar but the dollar tree costs more for other size bags. And I have discovered that the dollar tree beats WalMart and Aldi with their blueberry price $1.00 for 12 ounces but not with their strawberry price. Most food items cost less per ounce at WalMart but if you are single or a couple with out children and need to buy small quantities for variety the dollar tree is the place to go.
I agree with you on the plastic bags. We still buy them at Dollar Tree because we use them for different purposes in our home, but I try to use a higher quality freezer bag for freezer cooking. Lots of good info – thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for the info on the loratidine!! I use it daily and was not aware that Amazon sold it. I've been paying for the twin packs at Walmart but that is far less expensive. I will definitely be buying it that way from now on. As for the dish detergent, on occasion, you can find the smaller bottles of name brands at the Dollar Tree. If you purchase 2 bottles, it still ends up being cheaper than Walmart and you end up with slightly more detergent. You do have to watch closely though. I learned the hard way about the freezer bags! I was desperate for freezer bags and out of money for the month and thought the ones at Dollar Tree would do – WRONG!! Big Mistake! Needless to say, I won't be buying them there again. You can also buy your scouring pads there and quite often they are the Brillo or Scotch-Brite brand which are really good quality.
They actually have some really great cleaners! I've gotten away from most store-bought cleaners, because I now make my own. But the ammonia I use is from the dollar store. I also have a degreaser that's green in color from there for spring cleaning. Oh, and my spot cleaner for laundery is from there too. Good stuff!
Thanks for the info. I am making most of my cleaners now too, but I may have to check these out when I get in a pinch! 🙂
They have an awesome selection of health items…I get really bad gas pains and must have the chewable gas pills on me at all times. They are super expensive at other stores, but I get them for $1 at The Dollar General. Actually there really isn't much I won't buy. I don't use any cleaners because I make my own natural cleaner at home and some of the soaps they have are of poor quality, but I buy a large percentage of the items they have. I always wondered about pregnancy tests. I am done with babies, but it's still interesting to heat they work.
Tea light candles are a lot cheaper there. Also if you bead, they have a few, and they are much cheaper than other stores. Not a big variety, but stock up on what they have. Reading glasses for a buck! You can't beat that! Hard candies for making candy bowls or dishes. Inexpensive nail polishes and nail bling for stocking stuffers or last minute birthday fill-ins for a gal pal.
I buy the cans of pie filling…. peach, cherry and apple. …much cheaper than any store. Also marshmallows, chocolate chips, coconut, condensed milk, and other canned goods. Texas Toast is much cheaper at Dollar Tree too. And, yes, I wouldn't buy greeting cards anywhere else…good selection and nice cards. There is a store just two blocks from me so I go there often. Thanks for all the other suggestions.
I buy the cans of pie filling…. peach, cherry and apple. …much cheaper than any store. Also marshmallows, chocolate chips, coconut, condensed milk, and other canned goods. Texas Toast is much cheaper at Dollar Tree too. And, yes, I wouldn't buy greeting cards anywhere else…good selection and nice cards. There is a store just two blocks from me so I go there often. Thanks for all the other suggestions.
i bought some USB chargers from there and some styluses from there as well
I do not have a Dollar Tree in my hometown, but when I travel I am always looking for a store. So far I have been lucky, I have found at least two everywhere I go. My favorite thing… READING GLASSES!!!!
They have them in different colors and styles, so I can use a different one every day. Last time I traveled, I bought over 25 reading glasses. I have them everywhere: in my car, in my mother's home, in my daughter's car, in my grandfather's home, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, you get the idea. I even left four at the office.
My other favorite things? Hair accessories, some electronics, pens, ribbons and kitchen trinkets.
USA made dog treats. My dogs love the treats. Also, ramdonly they will have some “As seen on TV” items. I’ve gotten a Rabbit TV product, large letter computer keyboard, good DVDs are a few of my finds.
Good info, Roxie! I don’t have any pets, so I haven’t even paid attention to the dog treats. Have a great night! –Sarah 🙂