* You are a pretty good eater overall, but you can be stubborn sometimes. Sometimes you eat very little and sometimes you eat like crazy. We try not to make eating a huge ordeal, but we have our expectations too. You would eat peanut butter and jelly for lunch every day if we let you.
* Your bedtime is between 7:30-8 pm and you have a pretty good routine down. Daddy usually does the bedtime ritual with stories and prayers. You nap most afternoons, but we have transitioned to calling it “rest time.” We let you have some small toys and books in your bed, but you usually end up falling asleep.
* You are doing well with the pottying, but you have accidents sometimes at night if you are really tired or if we ate late. You don’t usually have accidents during the day, but sometimes you wait too long and you have to rush to make it!
* You are wearing size 3/3T clothing and a size 9.5 shoe.
* You love being outside when the weather is nice, but we haven’t been out too much since the cold weather has hit. When you have been out in the colder weather, you want to come back in after a few minutes. You are just like your Mommy in that regard. You also don’t seem too interested in the snow, which is fine with me!
* You love to color and are getting better and better. You are interested in markers and using scissors. You have made some really cute art projects at preschool.
* You enjoy books so much. You love for us to read to you, but also enjoy “reading” by yourself as well. You have memorized so many of the ones that we’ve passed down to your brother and love watching me read to him. You don’t really have a favorite book at this point, but love anything new that we add to the collection, even if it a free one from a kid’s meal.
* You still love TV and we have to limit the amount you watch or you’d sit there for hours. I can tell you are learning quite a bit though because I sometimes hear you responding to some of the questions on some of the programs. You saw your first movie in the theater over Thanksgiving and loved it! You were a little scared during some parts, but enjoyed it so much.
* You love pretend play and spend a lot of time playing with your figurines, dollhouse, and kitchen. I love listening to you or watching you when you don’t know I’m there.
* You are talking well and it’s so fun to listen to you. Sometimes you start talking so fast that I can tell your mouth can’t keep up with what you are trying to say. You have a good memory as well and will randomly start talking about things you saw or heard from weeks before.
* You love to sing. You sing all sorts of songs from church and/or school. I love hearing your sweet voice and I hope you will continue to enjoy music. You know most of your ABC’s {and love to sing the ABC song} and numbers. You are loving preschool. You transitioned so well and love your friends and teacher.
* You are so fun to watch with your brother. You can be a big help with him one minute {telling me when he’s climbing on the kitchen chairs or table}, and then fighting with him the next. I’m hoping you will be close to him as you get older.
she is so adorable!! I love that you do these updates…something to look back on when she is older!! 🙂
Thank you, Kristin! Since I'm not a scrapbooker, I love looking back on the blog…she's growing up so fast!! 🙂
she is SO precious, sarah. what a sweet little girl. as hard as raising a 3 year old can be, i love this age for many of the same reasons you listed. so glad you are embracing every second with her! it is going by so fast for me too! 🙂
Thank you, Erin! She cracks me up so much and totally keeps me on my toes. I'm sure you totally understand! 🙂