Thanks again to those of you who prayed for me yesterday afternoon. I’m so glad to say IT’S OVER! My bone marrow biopsy is over! Phew!!
It actually wasn’t as bad as I had imagined it would be, so that is a huge praise! My mother and grandmother went with me, so that Kevin could save his vacation days (we’re hoping he’ll need to use some of them later this year for pregnancy appointments :-)). He kept asking me whether I was sure I didn’t need him there. I assured him that I would be fine as long as someone was able to come, so he didn’t need to worry about it.
My mother originally came back in the room with me, while my grandmother waited in the waiting room. After waiting for a while in both waiting rooms and then in the exam room, I finally saw the doctor. He asked if I had any questions, to which I replied, “Yes, how long will it take and will it hurt?” He was pretty honest and told me that it would be painful but that the pain would only last about a minute. The entire procedure would take 15 minutes. After he answered so honestly, I was a little freaked out. But, he reminded me that for about 20 years, conscious sedation wasn’t even an option. Only in more recent decades have folks been given that option.
Right before the doctor left to let me get “ready,” my mother asked if she should leave. She was secretly hoping that they’d kick her out so she wouldn’t have to watch…I can’t say I blame her as I didn’t plan to watch what they were doing either. Once the doctor assured me that the nurse would hold my hand and that the procedure is almost as bad to watch as it is to experience yourself, I kicked my mom out of the room. Luckily, my grandmother was in the waiting room so she could distract my mom from what I was having to go through. I’m sure I’d be the same way if my child had to experience something like this.
All I have to say is “thank you, Lord, for numbing medicine!” Once I was numbed up, I couldn’t feel the small incision, nor the needle (sorry if any of you are squeamish). All I could really feel was some pressure when he was inserting the needle into the bone and then when he took out the bone marrow sample. They coached me pretty well so I was able to focus on breathing while the sample was removed. He said I did really well, especially since he actually ended up having to put the needle in 3 different places to get a good sample. He was pretty gentle and did a great job of helping to explain exactly what I should expect as he did the procedure.
Since I didn’t do conscious sedation, I was able to resume all normal activity right after the procedure. He said I’d be sore for a couple of days, but that I could pretty much do all normal activity.
He did say that we’ll have all the results back in about 2 weeks. I have set up a follow up appointment to review everything then. I was encouraged when he said that over the years he’s done these tests, that he’s only discovered something one time about 15 years ago. He seems to think they will find that I have a condition where my immune system attacks my platelets. He said they don’t usually treat the condition unless they find that it gets worse. So far, my platelets have been stable, but we’ll see what the tests show in a couple of weeks. I’m still trusting the Lord with these results.
I was thanking him so much yesterday afternoon. I’m so glad that I have a God who draws near and doesn’t sit on his throne in heaven far, far away and detached from my everyday life. I’m so glad for Jesus, God with us, especially in times when you know you need him literally right by your side to get through the day.
Thank you again for all your prayers. I appreciate them more than you can ever know!
Awesome! Praise God- You are very brave, I'm a nurse and things like that still make me squeamish. I will be praying for you as you wait for the results!