I’ve never been totally sold on the name of my blog. I started it back in August 2009, just days after loosing our firstborn son, Andrew, and had to come up with a name for it quickly. I didn’t have much time to give it thought or come up with something catchy or creative (not that I was in any state of mind to be catchy). All I knew was that I was clinging to the only thing I knew was unchangeable, my God. In those early days, I knew that God was going to be my rock in a very real and tangible way as I tried to rebuild my shattered life. So, after searching through some scripture, I found the verse that you see at the top of my blog which reads,
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Hummmm I will starting thinking on it 🙂