It seems that Kevin and I have made a little tradition of visiting his family in Mississippi over his annual spring break from school. I think we’ve come down during his break ever since he’s been teaching. If we drive, we usually try to take a couple days on the way back and vacation somewhere. One year, it was Nashville, TN and last year was Charleston, SC (both awesome cities!).
I remember so vividly the emotion that I felt around this time last year, when I was getting ready for the trip. It felt so wrong to be packing up and not need to prepare for a vacation with a baby. I cried that night, but prayed that God would still allow me to enjoy our time away, despite the sadness of not having Andrew coming with us. He was faithful, and we had a wonderful trip.
This morning in Tupelo, we worshipped at the church where Kevin grew up. I love our church in Richmond, but I always enjoy going to West Jackson Street Church when we are here. It’s totally different – much larger, big choir and praise band, and a great preacher with one of the largest southern drawls that I’ve ever heard. The music and message were great as usual, but as we worshipped the Lord in song this morning, I was overcome with thankfulness to the Lord. I can hardly believe where He has brought us.
While I wish so badly that Andrew was here with us on this trip and that we had needed to push a double stroller through the airports this past Friday, I’m in awe of the amount of healing that has occurred in my heart since last year. There’s no doubt that Savannah has played a large part in that, but I know that the only real healing can come from the Lord himself. Our hearts are still scarred (and they probably always will be to a certain extent on this side of heaven), but they are healing, and for that I am so thankful.
Isn't God good!
My friend Jocelyn told me about your blog (i think she said y'all emailed with each other) and she told me you were in tupelo which is where i'm from 🙂 neat. My dad is a church planter there and when we were in-between our former church and the church plant we would go to West Jackson Street (and one of my bff used to work there) anyway, just wanted to say hey. And I'm glad Jocelyn has found some comfort in your blog. I will be praying for you and your family.