I woke up this morning already feeling like I was playing catch up, since I overslept my alarm and was awaken by the sound of Savannah at the top of the stairs calling my name. Oye! This was not how I planned to start the week.
As I was cleaning up the mess from breakfast, I devised a plan in my mind of how I was going to manage to get my shower in and get some important tasks done before lunch and nap time. It was going to be tight, but I thought I could do it.
Then, I walk into the bathroom and was appalled at the nastiness around the toilet. Ugh! I can’t seem to get caught up…ever.
Then, it dawns on me – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I have got to get this household more organized. I’ve been giving myself a whole lot of grace after the year we’ve had. Selling & buying houses, major renovations, birthing a baby, exclusive pumping for 9 months, cleft palate repair surgery, and then the let down from all that took me through about now.
But, this is a new school year and I’m ready to make some progress.
I’ll be working this week on setting myself up for some success this fall semester. Here’s my plan for this week:
1. Create a homemaking binder.
My main goal for this week is to create a homemaking binder. I’ve heard about them and seen some articles about how to set them up, but I’m going to be making one for myself this week. I know I do better with paper, so I really think that this will help me stay more organized and prevent the crazy piles of paper.
2. Create a good morning wake up routine for myself.
This business of waking up with the kids does not work well. The beauty of being a stay-at-home mom is that it’s okay if it happens on occasion, but it needs to be the exception and not the rule. I can understand it if I’m up half the night with a sick child, but oversleeping my alarm doesn’t need to happen now that I’m out of college! 🙂
So, there you have it. I’ll make sure to report back to you next Monday.
How about you? Are you struggling to keep your household organized? What works for you?
I’d love to hear in a comment!