Look who is 10 months old! You are as busy as ever, but here is some of what you are up to these days!
* You are still nursing 4 times a day, but you are so busy that it can sometimes be a big task to keep you still long enough!
* You are enjoying solid foods. You are still eating some purees, but you are eating more and more table food. You have tried grilled cheese, yogurt, waffles/pancakes, hot dogs, mac n cheese, biscuits, rolls, and more.
* You haven’t cut any new teeth this month, but I think you have been teething off and on the past few weeks. You have been drooling more and good naps have been inconsistent. I still love seeing your smile with your top teeth showing. We laugh that they look like Chicklets!
* You still don’t seem too interested in your sippy cup. You will chew on it and play with it, but I have yet to see you actually drink from it. I’m hoping you will become more interested in it soon, which would certainly make weaning you a little easier!
* You are still a great sleeper at night – usually 11-12 hours each night. We are so thankful and pray it continues for a long time!
* You are still taking 2 naps each day. Some of your morning naps have been shorter, so maybe you are gearing up to drop it in the next couple of months.
*You are wearing some size 3 and some size 4 diapers. We have a whole bunch of 4’s ready to use, but that particular brand still seems way to big for you. I go back and forth between 3’s and 4’s in certain brands.
*You can still wear 9 months dresses, but you are wearing 12 months in everything else. I still need to pick up a couple more items for fall/winter and you should be set! I also purchased 2 new pairs of shoes for you in size 4. They are still too large for you, but I know you will grow into them. Size 3’s fit perfectly right now.
*You are all over the place these days. You are becoming quite an efficient crawler, but spend a lot of time pulling up on furniture/cabinets/etc. I spotted you cruising just a little bit from one end of the couch to the other. You are also standing up in place and balancing quite well. You usually stand for a few seconds and then fall down. You are getting so big and I know walking is just around the corner!
* You love electronics, but have also learned to love the vacuum. I thought you would be afraid of the loud noise, but it doesn’t scare you in the least. Once you are old enough for chores, I think we may have to let you take on the vacuuming!
*You love to touch everything, which is usually soon followed by putting it in your mouth! Just the other day, you discovered some moles on my arm, and spent a few minutes touching and inspecting them! You are so inquisitive!
*You are talking quite a bit these days. Most of it is babbling, but I have heard some “da-da’s,” “ma-ma’s,” and “ba-ba’s” as well. You haven’t looked at us and actually referred to us as “ma-ma” and “da-da”, but hopefully soon! I love to listen in on you while you are playing and can’t wait to find out what you are actually trying to say!
This year is flying by so quickly that it’s scary! With fall in full swing, I can’t help but remember back to where I was a year ago…getting larger and larger by the day and anxiously awaiting your birthday in December. I remember being so happy that summer was over because I knew that fall would go quickly and you’d be here with us soon! It’s been fun to experience these seasons with you outside the womb this year! We love you so much, Savannah! You truly are a blessing from the Lord!
Savannah is adorable! I love her front teeth! Karlena just finally cut her 2nd top tooth so they aren't chicklet teeth quite yet!! 🙂 Happy 10 months Savannah!!