Look who is now 12 months old? I guess I can stop counting months and start counting years!! I had no idea that this year would literally vanish with the blink of an eye!
Here’s what you are up to now!
* You are officially weaned! You are drinking at least 3 servings of whole milk each day and I occasionally will nurse you before bed. I have had such a love/hate relationship with nursing and now that it’s over, I’m still sort of sad that it’s over while also so glad to have more freedom!!
* You are a great eater! You eat most everything we give you, but you have your days when you boycott certain foods that we know you like. Luckily, any boycotts have been temporary! We hope this continues for a long while!
* You are still holding strong with your 6 teeth.
* You are doing really well with your sippy cup! You use the ones with handles and just the other day, you figured out how to use the ones with a straw. It’s so nice to be able to take your milk with us when we are out!
* You are still a great sleeper at night – 11 to 12 hours each night. We are so thankful and pray it continues for a long time!
* You are still taking 2 naps each day. I thought you were ready to drop your morning nap after Thanksgiving, but I was W-R-O-N-G! I think you were just getting back into your routine because you are back to napping pretty well. You were a fussy girl those couple of days when I was trying to wean you from your morning nap and are back to your normal self now!
*You are still wearing size 4 diapers.
*You are still wearing some 12 months, but you are wearing mostly 12-18 months clothing.
*You are 30 in. long (75%) and weigh 20 lbs. 9 ozs. (25-50%). You continue to be long and lean!
*You are walking more and more and getting better every day!
* You continue to get into EVERYTHING! I plan to begin “pack n play time” for a little bit each day so that you can get used to playing while being contained. Mommy also needs that time to get some things done around the house without worrying about you hurting yourself or destroying the house! 🙂
*You are talking up a storm these days! I still don’t understand most of it, but it’s precious to listen to you! I wish I knew what was going on in that mind of yours! You are saying “Da-Da” quite a bit and it almost sounds like you are saying my first name. It’s sort of funny, but when I hear you do it, I have to remind you that I am “Ma-Ma” instead!
You have been such a source of joy for us these past 12 months, Savannah! We are so blessed by your presence in our family. Daddy and I can hardly remember what life was like without you and while being a parent is not easy, we wouldn’t trade any of it for the world! We pray for you daily – that God would protect you, but more importantly, that you would have a tender heart towards the Gospel. We hope you will put your trust in Jesus at a young age and serve Him for many, many days. You are our precious miracle baby, Savannah, and you will always have a special place in our hearts! We love you so very much, sweet girl!
LOVE her Christmas dress – so adorable! Our girls are so similar in size it is too funny. Wish we were closer and we could have some play dates together! I bet the would be great friends. The pack and play is a good idea. I may have to try that too. Now that Karlena can walk she just goes everywhere and doesn't want to sit still! Happy 12 months Savannah – you are a doll!!