Wow, we have an 18 month old on our hands now and there’s no turning back! Well, I still like to look back at pictures, but you know what I mean! 🙂 Here is a rundown of some of what you are up to these days!
* You are still a good eater and eat most anything we give you. We were warned that you may get pickier at this stage, but so far, you are doing great (we pray it continues)! You do sometimes eat larger lunches and then smaller dinners or vice versa, but overall, you eat really well! We do joke about how you are a little beggar though! If you see your daddy or I eating a snack in between meals, you want it too! It certainly keeps us more aware of what foods we are eating!
* You also really have taken a liking to feeding yourself. I have started putting your food in a little bowl (as opposed to me just putting it on your tray) and then I give you a little spoon or fork so you can try feeding yourself. It can make for messier meals, but you seem to enjoy practicing using utensils! If you get tired of it or have too much trouble, you just use your hands, which is fine with us too.
* You are still working on getting your final 2 teeth on the bottom (I can’t remember the official name but I call them the incisors). I have seen more drool and they seem a little puffy, so we are on the lookout for them! You still love brushing your teeth and head straight to the bathroom when we tell you it’s time to brush them!
* You are a great sleeper overall, but we have had some random nights when you wake up crying and need one of us to pat your back and hold you for a few minutes before putting you back down. I think it may be teething related, but we also don’t want to get you dependant on us for sleep, so we are trying to figure it out.
* You are down to 1 afternoon nap each day and have been since about 16.5 months. It was the hardest nap transition so far b/c it seemed like you were transitioning for a couple of months. Many days, it was a guessing game as far as determining whether or not you needed it. You are doing really well now and have adjusted well. You usually sleep 2 hours, but occasionally a little shorter or longer.
* You have officially moved up to size 5 diapers! I am hoping this will be as high as you go. I’d love to work on potty training in spring 2013 after baby brother is born and the weather warms up! We shall see!
* You are wearing 18-24 months clothing and size 6 shoe. It seems like you are constantly growing out of shoes, so I recently bought you some size 7’s, which will hopefully get us through the summer.
* You are 34.5 in. long (95%) and weigh 25 lbs. 15 ozs. (75%). You are growing like a weed it seems!
* You are obsessed with shoes! You start talking about shoes from the moment we get you out of bed in the morning and seem to enjoy playing with them as much as your other toys.
Savannah, it has been a true joy to have you in our family for the past 18 months! When I check on you at night before I go to sleep, I still want to pinch myself! I had no idea I had the capacity to love someone so much and you have certainly taught me about how much God loves each of us. You are a gift from God and your Daddy and I are so thankful for you!
Love the updates!! I hope you are doing great…can't wait to see your son! 🙂 And it is hillarious because Karlena loves shoes too…oh how I wish we were closer….our girls would be quite the pair I think!! 🙂