Will I ever take your pictures and post about you on your actual day? Doubtful!! 🙂
Here is what you are up to right now.
* You are eating 5 times a day and are still doing really well with the bottle. I offer you 7 ozs. at each feeding and you usually eat it all. You are going longer between your morning bottles and end up having to squeeze in that 5th bottle before you go to bed, so we may end up dropping another bottle soon. You dropped your “dream feed” 2 weeks ago, so I’ll give you a little while longer before dropping another one. I am still pumping 4 times a day.
* You are sleeping about 11-12 hours at night which has been wonderful! Your last bottle is at 7:30 and then you are in bed until the morning. I usually pump one last time at 10pm and then I am free to go to bed early if I want! It has been so nice!
* You are doing well with your 3 naps. Your longest nap of the day is in the morning. You are awake for 1 hour and then I put you right back down. You don’t always sleep as long for your other 2 naps, so I have been trying to see if keeping you up a little longer will help. Today you did well with being awake for 1.5 hours and then putting you down so we may stick with that for now.
* You are still using your sleep sack and seem to do better sleeping in it. I will probably stick with it until the weather gets warmer!
* You are still wearing size 2 diapers, but some generic 2’s are a little small on you. I have some 3’s ready for you when we need them though!
* You were 14 lbs. and some the last time I weighed you at home, but we’ll find out the official stats on Monday when you go for your 4 month well visit!
* You are wearing 3-6 months clothes, but you are outgrowing some of them in the length. I am looking forward to getting out some spring and summer clothes soon!
* You are doing well with tummy time, but you haven’t been turning over to your back as much lately. You end up leaving a puddle of drool on the floor wherever we put you though! You can now turn over from back to belly, but don’t do it too often. You also love your fingers and we find you with them in your mouth more and more!
* You love the Bumbo seat! You look like such a big boy sitting there, but love looking around at your big sister or anything else that is going on around you!
* You still enjoy your play mat. You kick your socks off within minutes once you get those legs going!
* You are such a smiley boy in the mornings when I go to get you from your crib! You love interacting with us and you are quite the flirt with Mommy! I could eat you up! You even giggled the other day when Sissy was going something funny! We tried to get you to do it again so we could film it but no such luck!
* You are doing more and more babbling and “talking” which I love to hear! It really just depends on your mood or what’s going on around you. Sometimes you just sit quietly and other times you are talking our ears off!
* You are upstairs in your room now! I actually really enjoy spending time with you in your cozy little room. You have been up there for about a month now (end of January is when we moved you) and have adjusted really well to it! I think your sister likes knowing you are up there with her!
Daddy should look out because you are stealing more and more of my heart with each passing day. I LOVE being a mom to a little girl, but having you in our family has been so sweet. You are becoming more and more animated and I just can’t wait to see your personality come through as you get older. You are a happy baby as long as you are well rested and your belly is full, and I am so thankful! We love you so much, Brady Wayne and pray that God will use you in mighty ways! We are so lucky to be your parents!
So cute! I loved the update!
he is such a beautiful little boy, sarah! it's amazing how they change so fast!