As always, I am late putting up your latest happenings! I wrote this post back in January, so some things have changed, but I wanted to leave it as it was originally written so it would be true to what you were up to closer to when you actually turned 2!
* You are a pretty good eater, but are certainly becoming more opinionated about what you do and do not want to eat. Even if you put up a fuss though, you will eventually eat what I fix (most of the time). Most mornings, you usually have oatmeal or cereal with a fruit for your breakfast! Grilled cheeses or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (with a fruit and/or veggie) are common lunches around our house. We serve you whatever we are having for dinner at night. You even seem to do alright with some spicier foods like my Mexican chicken dish! You love sweets, so we sometimes use dessert as your incentive for eating a good dinner. So far, that method usually does the trick!
* You are still holding out on getting anymore teeth. I have noticed that you are chewing on your fingers a lot lately, so maybe you are doing a little teething? I’m not sure what to expect with your 2 year molars, but so far they have not surfaced. You still like to brush your teeth, although we are working on getting you to spit out the toothpaste rather than just swallowing it.
* You are officially out of your crib and into the toddler bed. Once you started climbing out repeatedly, we decided to just take the plunge. This has meant you are not getting quite as much sleep as we’d like at night. Bedtime is at 8:00pm, but we are still working on getting you to stay in the bed. You sleep until around 8am.
* You are still taking your afternoon nap and sleep around 2 hours.
* You are still in size 5 diapers. You got a big girl potty for your birthday and seem interested in sitting on it, but show no interest in actually using it. We are planning to start trying to potty train in the spring. I need to get some books out to get some ideas on how we should handle it!
* You are wearing 2T clothes and a size 7 or 8 shoe.
* You love to be outside! You are enjoying the swing set in the yard and I love to watch you go down the slide by yourself! You also love to take walks with Daddy or with me in the stroller. If Daddy is outside doing anything, you want to be right out there with him. It’s precious to see you two bonding together.
* You enjoy playing with play-doh and have spent up to 45 minutes playing with it some days. You also enjoy coloring with crayons or markers and love stickers! You also enjoy playing with puzzles and often impress me with how quickly you can put the pieces in their correct spots. You continue to love books and it’s so fun to hear you “read” as you turn the pages! I also love it when I ask you to go get a book from the shelf and you bring back both of your “Ba-bles” for me to read. I’m so glad you enjoy reading the stories from the Bible!
* You are definitely into TV now. For the longest time, you could have cared less about it. Now, I have to keep track of how much you watch because you would probably watch it for hours if we let you. Your favorite is “Why” (Super Why), but you also like Curious George, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, and Sesame Street. You also really love your new Veggie Tale’s movie that you got for Christmas (St. Nicholas The Joy of Giving).
* You do not care for room time, but it’s been a huge help to Mommy since Brady was born. We will continue to work on it. You will play by yourself in your room for a little while, but then spend the rest of the time crying for me to let you out. You just want to be where we are. If we were upstairs in your room with you, you’d probably play in there all day long.
* You are talking so much these days, which is so precious! You can still be shy in the nursery at church or when you first meet people, but I am being told you are talking more and more when we leave you with other people. You amaze me at how much you are learning! The other day, you were saying your numbers up to 8 and I was dumbfounded because I don’t remember us going over them very much! You know the parts of the body and know most of the animals and their sounds. You are also doing very well with your manners. We still have to prompt you some, but you are starting to say please and thank you more and more on your own.
* You are a Daddy’s girl for sure! I know you love me and I treasure our special moments, but you ask for your Daddy almost from the moment you wake up. I have to remind you every morning that Daddy is at work and we will see him when he gets home later in the day! You stop in your tracks when you hear him walk in the door and it is priceless! You love it when he wrestles with you and plays with you in the bathtub. I love seeing how you interact with one another.
She is adorable! I can't believe she is TWO! Such a blessing! 🙂
She is adorable!! Love the updates!