Looking for the perfect gift for the special ones who teach your kids? Check out this list of teacher gifts and you’ll be sure to find something they’ll ACTUALLY like!
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Y’all should know by now that I am a big fan of teachers! Not only do I have 4 teachers in my family, but I’m MARRIED TO ONE! In this house, we LOVE teachers. They are heroes!
I know first hand how much a little gift can make a teacher feel appreciated, but it can sometimes be hard to know what to get. If your child has more than one teacher, then budgets can make it even more of a challenge.
You may not know the teacher well enough to have a long list of home run gift ideas, and yet you don’t want your gift to just become clutter!
Because I’m all about keeping things practical, I’ve come up with some teacher gifts that your teacher will actually like! And to give you some more food for thought, I’ve listed some items you may want to avoid.
Before I dive in though, let me touch on 2 things. First, there are a lot of opinions out there and I’m sure there will be some who disagree with this list. Heck, even my preschool teacher sister disagreed!
Secondly, good teachers are wonderful people who will appreciate anything you give them! No matter what, they’ll appreciate your thought, which is the most important thing anyway. So, with that, here’s the list!
1. Gift cards
What person on this planet doesn’t like gift cards? You can’t go wrong with this one, so feel free to stop right here. The options are endless – Amazon, Starbucks (or a local coffee shop), Target, restaurants, movie theaters, Barnes & Noble, Apple.
If you feel like a gift card is too generic, then you can find a cute way to give the gift card.
Here are some really cute printable cards that you can use to make it fun:
- These Teacher Appreciation gift card holders from Hip2Save would be perfect for a coffee, movie theater, Target, or Amazon gift cards! So cute!
- I love these Teacher Appreciation cards from SkiptoMyLou – they’ll make you feel less guilty about not using Pinterest inspiration to make something yourself!
- This Teacher Appreciation Gift Card printable from SkiptoMyLou is great if you are giving a restaurant gift card. So fun!
You could also stick a gift card in a small little themed basket. This movie theater themed gift basket is a great option. I’d keep the gift card as the main item, but you can add some small little goodies to make it more fun if you wish!
2. Potted plant/flower
I love this idea because a potted plant or flower can be enjoyed for a little while in the classroom and/or can be planted later! If your teacher isn’t a gardener, then they can just pitch the plant when it dies and no harm is done.
3. Hand soaps (NO lotions!)
I didn’t include beauty products like hand lotions or perfumes, but I think hand soaps are totally okay! We all use hand soap, right? (At least we should! Haha!)
To be on the safe side, I’d stick to more classic scents.
4. Baking mixes
These can be a nice alternative to ready to eat treats (although those are nice too!) because they can be used when the teacher would like. All the dry ingredients are there and measured out, which makes baking super simple!!
Here are a couple of my favorites to give as gifts:
- I love this Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix in a Mason Jar from Melanie Cooks.
- This Homemade Fudgy Brownie Mix from Six Figures Under would be perfect for a chocolate lover!
5. Movie tickets
I included a movie theater gift card as an option under #1, but I wanted to also mention it separately since I think it’s such a great idea! A night out to see a movie is a luxury for many teachers, so this would be a special treat.
Frugal tip: Feel free to go for a few Redbox passes if that’s more within your budget. You can make a cute little movie night bucket and include some popcorn or movie theater candy from The Dollar Tree.
I love this Movie Night Teacher Basket from Mrs. Jones Creation Station.
6. Chocolate or other sweet treats
Chocolate or baked goods are usually appreciated, although it can be somewhat risky with allergies and other food restrictions. You may want to have your student do some investigative research before deciding on this one.
Here are a couple of our family’s favorite dessert recipes:
- This peanut butter fudge recipe is quick and easy!
- Hubby’s peanut butter cookie recipe is always a hit with family and friends!
- These no bake cookies are delicious and can be made in a pinch.
7. Snacks or drinks
Teachers often work through their lunches and don’t get many breaks. They can keep these in their desks and munch when they have a quick minute. Hubby loved receiving Diet Cokes from a student who knew he loved them. Again, investigative work is required!
8. Coffee or K-cups
Obviously, this won’t work if your teacher isn’t a coffee drinker, but I wanted to list it because so many are! Who wouldn’t need coffee to get through an entire day with kids! 😊
Rather than coffee mugs (although this is a GREAT travel coffee mug) or paraphernalia that may or may not be a hit, go straight to the coffee itself. A bag of coffee or coffee beans, or some K cups will be a welcome site for your coffee loving teacher!
9. Handwritten note of appreciation
I didn’t put this last because it’s least. Quite the opposite, actually. Any good teacher would appreciate a handwritten note more than you could probably know. Hubby always comes home and tells me when he’s gotten a nice note from a student or parent. Let your teacher know how much you appreciate them and you’ll likely make their entire week!
Now, like I said, gift giving is so personal, but I did want to touch on some teacher gifts you may want to avoid. Here goes…
Teacher Gifts to Avoid
1. Coffee mugs
A teacher who loves coffee may appreciate this one, but I think it’s far more likely that they have a TON of these already. How many coffee mugs does one person need?
2. Very personal items (unless they have mentioned a specific item to you)
One of hubby’s favorite gifts recently was a Bluetooth speaker (which was super nice!), so part of me believes personal items can be great. But, unless there is something very specific you’ve heard the teacher mention wanting or needing, then I think it’s too risky and I’d steer clear.
Which brings me to…
3. Clothes/jewelry
This is such a personal category, that I’d avoid it altogether. It could go either way – hit or miss – so I’d just avoid it.
4. Art work or home decor
Again, this is too personal that I’d hate to think the item would just end up in the teacher’s give away pile. Don’t waste your money on it!
5. Beauty products/candles
I received some mixed opinions on this one. My preschool teacher mom loved receiving some lip glosses and my preschool teacher sister loves candles. I just think it’s another risky one, so I wouldn’t go for it.
If you do choose to go this route, I’d recommend general items without too much fragrance. You just never know what scents could set someone sinuses on fire!
Again, please know that your teacher will appreciate anything you give them. More than anything else, the thought behind the gift is what matters most. But, if you want to score some “bonus points,” then I hope you’ll keep this list of teacher gifts in mind!
If you want to save this post for later, you can pin it here:
Need some other gift idea inspiration, you can check out some of these posts:
- 13 Great Gift Ideas for Coffee Lovers
- 15 Gift Ideas for Frugal Moms
- What to Get Your Student’s Male Teacher for Christmas
What do you like to do for teacher gifts?
P.S. For more frugal family inspiration delivered to your inbox, subscribe to my email list here.
This year I made a “Netflix & Chill” basket for my son’s teacher. I bought a Cuddle Duds throw and burlap bin from Kohls on clearance and I used a 30% off coupon (reg. price on the throw was $59.99, after all discounts, I paid $12.39; can’t remember the reg. price on the basket but my final price was $5 and change). I bought 2 Netflix $15 gift cards when Walgreens had their buy 2 GC, get $5 deal a few weeks back (saving the 2nd one for another gift). I scored some free movie candy at CVS. I also added 2 small bags of Skinny Pop popcorn from a large box I bought at Costco (I was snack mom for my son’s sport team a week ago and the box was big enough for both projects). The bin with the throw, gift card, popcorn and candy looked awesome IMO. Hopefully his teacher liked it (given this week for Teacher Appreciation Week). It did cost me about $35 total which would not be in budget if I had multiple teacher’s to buy for but since it’s my only child and since this teacher is amazing and has gone above and beyond for him, I wanted to do something nice. Happy TAW to all the teachers out there!
Sounds like your son’s teacher got an amazing basket! And you scored some great deals – Way to go! Have a great week! –Sarah 🙂
I go for charity gift cards for things like school supplies, preschool classes, or adult literacy in the developing world. I figure teachers know better than anyone how much education change a life, a family, and a community, for generations to come, so they’ll enjoy thinking someone in a poorer country is getting an education because of them. (My dad was a teacher. We always loved it when his kids have him chocolate, so I usually throw in a box of chocolates too.)
What a creative idea, Becca! Thanks for sharing it! Have a great day! –Sarah 🙂