Today Andrew is celebrating his 7th month in heaven! While driving to church this morning, I told Kevin how I couldn’t believe it’s been 7 whole months! Although it sometimes feels like decades since I held Andrew, the other part of me just can’t believe how quickly the time has passed. If Andrew was here with us, he’d be a 7 month old – crazy!
I can’t help but think….
What would he be doing?
What would he look like?
How much would he weigh?
Although I really wish I knew the answer to those questions, what makes my heart smile the most is knowing that my precious son is in heaven with Jesus.
For whatever reason, God saw fit to take my baby straight from my womb into heaven to be with Him. And while it makes me sad on some days, today, I choose to celebrate! What an honor it is that God saw fit to bring Andrew home to be with Him sooner than later!
I know I will never understand God’s ways, but I am so joyful in knowing that my baby is living his days in heaven walking with Jesus.
Thank you, Lord, for giving us 9 months with Andrew. Thank you for allowing us to be parents, even if it may not look “normal.” Thank you for the cross, for without it, my baby would not be able to experience eternal life with you. Thank you for answering my prayer for a child, and for answering my prayer for his salvation. I’m forever grateful to have carried such an amazing little boy inside my womb. When I have my “bad” days, help me to remember how blessed I truly am. Lord, give Andrew extra hugs and kisses for us today. We miss him so much, but are so grateful that you have him in your perfect care! Thank you!
Happy 7 heavenly months Andrew! To be held in the arms of our Savior and play at His feet must be so peaceful and wonderful. I know your Mommy and Daddy miss you so very much and I am praying that Tonight God will hold them a little tighter and send His comfort to fill the void that is not only in their arms but their hearts. Praying for you tonight
Happy 7 month birthday Andrew! I think we'll always wonder about them and who they would be if they were here with us.