I’m sitting here as we speak with frozen peas on my belly and feeling my little girl squirm all over the place. Although I was originally told to try putting frozen peas on the top of my belly to encourage Savannah to turn head-down, I’m starting to think it’s also a nice way to just get some good movements out of her!
Have any of you had any luck getting your babies to turn leading up to D-day? Please feel free to send me any suggestions you may have – I’d love to hear them! I know we still have some time, but I figure it can’t hurt to encourage her to get ready now.
My daughter turned breech a week before she was born. The doctors had me go into labor because they said she may turn back. Well, she did not turn back. To be honest, I was glad she didn't turn back because it made me nervous. I had a c-section. Honestly, I was so glad I got pregnant and held her to term (I had preterm labor two months prior) that it never bothered me not to have a vaginal birth.
Sarah, I went to the chiropractor twice and my babies turned. It's very safe and not harmful to the baby. They adjust your lower back and get your spine in alignment and it gives the baby more room to turn around. It worked for me after the second visit. Much better than having a c-section!
Mine have always turned on their own so I can't help!