* You are still eating 4 times a day. You are still nursing, but either you are much faster at getting what you need, or you just aren’t as interested. You usually nurse 6 minutes on one side and I’m lucky to get 3 minutes on the other. I was a little anxious about that at first, but the doctor said that was normal at your age. So busy!
* You are still enjoying solid foods. You are basically eating the same things as last month, which is mostly purees, although I’m letting you explore a little with very soft table food that is cut up in small pieces. You aren’t all that interested in eating it, but certainly love playing with it! You do enjoy feeding yourself your Gerber puffs!
* Your top teeth are starting to poke through! I can feel them but they aren’t all the way through yet!
* You are not too interested in your sippy cup yet. I have started letting you hold it after you wake up from your afternoon nap, but you mostly just chew on it. I am hoping you will take more interest in it eventually. Right now, I am just filling it with water, so maybe you need more of an incentive to get you to drink from it!
* You are still a great sleeper at night. Most nights, you are in bed by 7:30pm and we don’t hear you wake up until 7:30am. Occasionally, you will wake up early or it takes a little bit for you to fall asleep, but it’s very rare. I hope you will continue to be a good sleeper! We are much happier parents when we are rested! 🙂
* You are officially down to only 2 naps – one morning and one afternoon. Your morning nap is usually 1.5 hours long and your afternoon is usually 2 hours long. You are a fairly good napper, but you have your “off” days. In fact, this week you have not napped as well but I think it’s related to teething. We also decided to move your crib mattress all the way down since you are becoming more and more active. We found you sitting up in your crib one morning when we went to get you!
*You are still wearing size 3 diapers. I stocked up on some size 4 that were on sale and they look so big! It may be awhile until you grow into those. I may need to buy more size 3 to get you through until you are ready for them!
*You are still in size 6-9 months clothes, although you can wear some 12 month outfits. Your pajamas are getting a little snug too, so I’ll probably have to bump you up soon – just in time for cooler weather hopefully!
*You are doing great sitting up, so I often sit you down in front of a basket of toys and let you play by yourself. You will sit contently for quite a while all by yourself!
*You continue to be interested in everything and everyone around you. You are becoming more and more vocal when things are quiet, but you love being with other people and watch what they are doing.
*You are officially crawling! You had been spending lots of time rocking on your hands and knees and just today you decided to take the plunge. You are only taking a few “steps” at a time right now, but I can see that quickly the world will be at your fingertips!
You continue to be a true joy, Savannah! Just today, I was telling your daddy that you are a ray of sunshine in our home! We are so thankful for your presence with us and look forward to seeing what God has in store for you!
She is such a sweet peanut! She will be all over the place in no time!Once Karlena figured it out she was moving like crazy in the matter of a few days! Start putting everything up…pretty soon they will both be walking!! AHHH what happened to our babies?! 🙂
ps…not sure why I can't sign in w my google account so that is why I am posting as anonymous! 🙂
Blessings, Kristin