It’s no secret that we probably eat too much McDonald’s in our house. Savannah was talking about “fench fies” before she had all her colors down. Sad, I know, but it’s true.
I can hear all the sighs now and see all the eyes rolling as we speak, so just do me a favor and try not to judge for just a minute. After all, I think we all know that McDonald’s is not known for it’s healthy menu, especially now that they post the nutrition facts on the menu. Talk about a reality check – ha!
But, what I will say is that it’s a pretty big deal around our house when our children get introduced to their very first McDonald’s cheeseburger. I do my best to give them healthy and balanced meals, but we do splurge on some greasy fast food sometimes.
Brady had his first experience about a week ago, but I’m just now getting around to blogging about it. I decided to take the night off from cooking on Labor Day night, so we ended up where we often do when we need a cheap meal…McDonald’s.
Kev ordered our fairly standard meal – cheeseburgers with some fries to share. If his sweet tooth gets the best of him, you can count on chocolate chip cookies to be in the bottom of the bag too!
We sat down and I started breaking up the cheeseburger for Brady to pick up. Then, it dawned on me! This was an important milestone that had to be documented, so I quickly dropped my own sandwich and ran to the car to grab the camera. 🙂
I didn’t want to forget Brady’s first taste of a McDonald’s cheeseburger. Let’s just say that I’m thankful I took the pictures when I did because he practically inhaled that thing. And so you know, we did follow it up with one of their yogurt parfaits. We aren’t THAT bad! 🙂
If you are not afraid to admit it, how old were you when you let your kids eat their first McDonald’s cheeseburger?
If you don’t have children, how often do you eat fast food?
I WISH my kids ate cheeseburgers. Can't convince either of them to touch one with a ten foot pole. They're all about the French fries and chicken nuggets.
That's so funny! Who knows why they like (or don't like) the things they do – ha! 🙂