One of the things I enjoy about getting older is slowly realizing how wrong I was about so many things. I came out of college thinking I had it all figured out and I shudder to think of how many ignorant things I probably said or thought in the process.
I knew marriage would be hard {because everyone told me so}, but I had no idea just how hard it would be until I got married myself. And for the record, it’s hard mostly because I’m a really flawed person.
I knew being a parent would be challenging too {again, enough people told me my world would get rocked so I figured they must be right}, but I had no concept of just how life changing it would be. And for the record, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I had bargained for the fact that Kev and I would be responsible for teaching our children important life lessons. I knew that with the Lord’s grace, we would do our best to impart spiritual truths to them and pray that they would eventually choose to acknowledge Him as their Savior.
But, what I hadn’t bargained for was how much they’d teach me.
I’m learning so much about myself and so much more about who God is by being their Mommy.
They are adorable and luck to have a mother like you!! How's your heart by the way?? Praying for you!!
Thank you friend! My heart is doing pretty well, by God's grace. We are looking forward to what He has in store down the road. I'm so glad your weekend was so great- can't wait to "hear" more! 🙂