Y’all…I think I’ve finally discovered my favorite phase of parenting thus far. I don’t have a lot of experience to draw from, but I am seriously loving this early elementary school age. Our girl is growing leaps and bounds and it’s been so fun to get a front row seat!
Here is what you are up to these days.
* You are a good eater and I can usually convince you to try anything, at least once. Once dessert is an option, that also helps you to motivate you to eat your dinner.
* You go to bed around 7pm each night. Since you get up early (around 6am) to get ready for school, you are usually tired. Daddy handles the bedtime ritual, which I know you love.
* You are back to having your own room and I think it’s been good for you. Sharing a room with your brother was good, but I can see that you need your own space from the boys at times. You like to retreat to your room sometimes after the long day at school.
* You are wearing children’s size 7/8 in clothing and a size 2 shoe. You are tall and need the length, but sometimes pants are a little loose in the waist. You love to pick out your clothes and are doing a great job of getting yourself dressed in the mornings (we try to pick them out the night before in order to avoid battles in the morning).
* You are doing a great job of getting yourself up and ready in the mornings, often without any help from us! Your morning checklist helps you stay on track if you get distracted, but I’m really proud of how independent and responsible you are!
* You are very helpful around the house and help with lots of things around the house. We don’t have official chores, but you make your bed, straighten your room, clear your dishes from the table, and more. You do most of the basic chores all on your own, but sometimes you need reminders about putting dirty clothes in the hamper. 😉

* You love school! You transitioned to first grade with no problem at all and I’ve heard great reports so far. I love hearing about your day when you get off the school bus in the afternoons. You are a strong reader and really love it!
* You love most art or craft activity. I guess it makes sense why you say you want to be an artist when you grow up! You go through paper like crazy and are constantly writing notes or making pictures for people.
* You love being outside when you can. You are doing great on your bicycle and basically taught yourself how to ride without training wheels. I don’t even remember how it happened, but you’ve been going strong for quite some time now!
* You lost both of your front teeth this year and I love how precious you look! The dentist says we should start saving now for braces! 🙂
* You love to play with your brothers, but you also play very well by yourself. You often enjoy some alone time right after school, playing with your Barbie’s and Shopkins.
* You are kind, thoughtful, and have a sensitive spirit. It’s a joy to see God growing you in your love for others.
* You have prayed for Jesus to forgive your sins and be “the boss of your life” and we are so thrilled! We know this is just the beginning of following Him and growing in your faith!
* * * * * *
A couple of years ago, I decided to do a yearly interview with the children so I can document their growth. I asked the same exact questions as last year and it’s fun to hear her responses.
What is your name?
How old are you?
What is your favorite food?
pizza, desserts
What is your favorite TV show?
Curious George
What is your favorite movie?
High School Musical & Descendants
What is your favorite song?
Jesus Loves Me
What is your favorite color?
Who are some of your friends?
Tessa, Lucy, Maren, Avery, Charlotte, Emma, Zoey
What is your favorite thing to do at school?
eat lunch & play outside
What is your favorite thing to do at church?
What is your favorite toy?
What is your favorite book?
Pinkalicious & The Crazy Hair Day, Junie B. Jones, Fancy Nancy & The Delectable Cupcakes
* * * * * *
Savannah’s eighth year is off to a great start. She’s growing into a little girl before my very eyes and I can hardly believe it. I love being a girl mom! 🙂
To see Savannah’s other yearly updates, click on the links below…
Savannah at 2 years
Savannah at 2.5 years
Savannah at 3 years
Savannah at 4 years
Savannah at 5 years
Savannah at 6 years