Y’all…I seriously want to stop time right now. My heart starts racing at the thought of sending this girl to kindergarten in the fall. I cannot believe I am the mom to a 5 year old. There has been so much growth over this past year that I can hardly even believe it. I am so thankful to be this girl’s mom and to have a front row seat.
Here is what you are up to these days.
* You are a good eater, but can be picky at times. You will usually try everything though. My biggest remark about mealtime has nothing to do with your eating habits, but with how much you love to talk. Sometimes you would much rather chat than eat.
* You go to bed around 7:30pm each night and are usually ready for it. Daddy normally handles the bedtime ritual with stories and prayers. Unless you are being bothered by a certain little brother, you are usually asleep within 10 minutes.
* You have quiet time each day between 1:30-3pm. You usually spend this time in my room with some toys and books. Sometimes, I’ll let you out of the room earlier to do art at the kitchen table. It usually just depends on whether I need my own quiet time or if I need to get work down without being interrupted. You RARELY will fall asleep during this time, but you will every now and then if you are exhausted.
* You are sharing a room with Brady and you both seem to be enjoying it. You have your moments when you get frustrated, but then there are other times when you play so well together. I really hope that your close quarters will help foster a close relationship for life. We are planning to move you to your own room this summer as we anticipate school in the fall.
* You are doing great with not wetting the bed at night. I can’t think of the last time that you had an accident (knock on wood). Sometimes I will hear you wake up and use the bathroom on your own, but most of the time I think you just hold it until the morning.
* You are wearing children’s size 5 and 6 in clothing and a size 12 shoe. You are tall and need the length, but sometimes pants are a little loose in the waist. You love to pick out your clothes and are doing a great job of getting yourself dressed in the mornings (we try to pick them out the night before in order to avoid battles in the morning).
* You are doing a great job learning and executing different chores around the house. You are working on: making your bed, clearing your dishes from the table, putting your dirty clothes in the hamper or washing machine, and putting your toys/items away after you are finished with them. You really love to help with setting the table for meals and helping me prepare the food. I love how enthused you are to help!
* You love most art or craft activity. You go through paper like crazy and are constantly writing notes or making pictures for people. You are doing well with coloring and getting better and better with scissors. I love how you enjoy making birthday cards and writing thank you notes for people. You are so thoughtful and kind.
* You love being outside when you can. I hear a lot about the monkey bars when you are at school and you have gotten really good at swinging all by yourself.
* You love books and enjoy “reading” them to me. You don’t know the words, but will tell me the basic story from memory. You also make up your own stories too when you are playing by yourself. You have a great imagination.
* You do like TV and movies, although we try keep it to a minimum. We usually watch it in the afternoon after rest time. You were obsessed with Frozen* for a while, but you also like Finding Nemo*, Planes Fire & Rescue*, The Incredibles*, and Despicable Me*
* You love to play with your brothers, but you also play very well by yourself. You like to play with your dolls (Samantha American Girl doll* and Bitty Baby*), but you also enjoy princess Duplo blocks*, Lincoln Logs*, and other games or puzzles. You love most any toy in your sight!
* You are taking an intro ballet class and you really love it. You love to turn on music and perform little shows for me. You have been taking since last winter, but I can already see so much improvement. You also like to sing and love to sing along with the songs on the radio.
* You are doing great in the Pre-K class at your preschool. You are constantly surprising me with how much you are learning. You love your class and know most of your classmates from last year. You love chapel, music, art, and library time, but also seem to enjoy all the different centers as well. It’s been neat to watch you gain independence as you prepare for kindergarten next fall.
* You are a fantastic big sister. You have your moments when you get frustrated with your younger brother, but you love them so much and are such a help with them (especially Davis). They are lucky to have you and I pray your relationship will continue to be a close one.
* You truly are a delight. I can’t tell you the number of times I have people tell me how kind and sweet you are. You are a very thoughtful little girl and often put me to shame when you remember to ask how someone is feeling after you heard they were sick. You have a sensitive spirit too. When you disobey, you get upset when I correct you and express regret for your choices.
* You ask me some great spiritual questions and I can tell that God is working in you. You love church and enjoy learning about stories from the Bible. We pray that you will understand the fullness of God’s love for your someday and hope that you will continue to grow into the beautiful young woman he has created you to be.
* * * * * *
A couple of years ago, I decided to do a yearly interview with the children so I can document their growth. I asked the same exact questions as last year and it’s fun to hear her responses.
What is your name?
Savannah Awizabeth Eddins
How old are you?
What is your favorite food?
Dessert: cake, Other food: strawberries, Breakfast: eggs
What is your favorite TV show?
Angelina Ballerina
What is your favorite movie?
Strawberry Shortcake
What is your favorite song?
Let It Go & The First Time in Forever
What is your favorite color?
Who are some of your friends?
Abby, Charlotte, Emma, Zoey, Reagan, Molly
What is your favorite thing to do at school?
play with the kitchen
What is your favorite thing to do at church?
drawing and building with the wooden blocks
What is your favorite toy?
Elsa doll
What is your favorite book?
* * * * * *
Savannah’s sixth year is off to a great start. She’s growing into a little girl before my very eyes and I can hardly believe it. I love being a girl mom!
To see Savannah’s other yearly updates, click on the links below…
Savannah at 2 years
Savannah at 2.5 years
Savannah at 3 years
Savannah at 4 years
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