I’ve been wanting to post something for Mother’s Day all week, but the words just haven’t come. I sometimes feel like I might sound like a broken record every year on Mother’s Day.
This article summed up so much for me and if you haven’t read it, you should. Even though the day is almost over, there is still time to reach out to someone and to remember those who may be hurting rather than what Hallmark moments did or did not unfold as you had envisioned them in your mind.
My heart is filled with joy at the fact I get to squeeze my two blessing here on Earth, but I’m reminded of the fact that I don’t have my two other blessings here with me. I’m also heavy-hearted for those who have lost their mothers, have lost their children, or who are waiting and pleading with God to open their wombs.
It’s a bittersweet day really, but I’m so thankful to have celebrated the day with some of my family.
And if you are one of those people who were hurting today, you were in my thoughts and prayers.