As our youngest grows, I thought it would be fun to do some posts highlighting my favorite baby items. You can see my newborn {0-3 months} post HERE. I’m a little late with this since Davis is almost 9 months old, but I still wanted to cover my favorite baby items for 3-6 months.
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I’ve become more of a minimalist with the addition of each child. Not only have I learned what does and doesn’t work for us, but we are also running out of room in our house for items that are either too bulky or don’t get much use. So, these are baby items I really do love. I didn’t include car seats or strollers because those are a given and I don’t get but so excited about those items. 🙂
1. Infant spoons
We usually start solids towards the end of this phase {usually around 5 or 6 months}. I really like using the Gerber soft bite silicone infant spoons* when first starting out. They are soft on baby’s gums and not too long, making it easier for baby to get all the food off the spoon when first starting out.
Once baby’s eating is well established, I really like using Munchkin soft-tip infant spoons*. They say they have a soft tip and are good for use at 3 months, but I find these are better once baby is more familiar with eating from a spoon. These hold more food on them, so are great once baby is eating more and can handle larger spoonfuls of food. My toddler and preschooler still use these!
2. Plastic bowls
At this stage, I use plastic bowls for mixing up oatmeal/rice cereal and for homemade baby food. As baby grows, these are helpful for all sorts of foods. I really like these Munchkin multi bowls*. Again, my toddler and preschooler still gets tons of use out of these.
3. Plastic bowls with lids
I also love having plastic bowls with lids. I don’t see the exact ones that we have, but they are very similar to these Munchkin love-a-bowls*. These are great when feeding baby on the go. I put dry cereal in them to be mixed up later or will put in frozen cubes of homemade baby food so they can thaw while we are out and about.
4. Portable high chair
I included my space saver high chair in the newborn post, but I also love having a smaller portable high chair on hand for when we are travelling. We often keep this in the trunk of our car so we have it ready in case we are out and need it. The Fischer Price Booster Seat* came highly recommended and we love it!
5. Medela bottles*
If you are a breastfeeding mom, then it’s time to start introducing baby to the bottle. Everyone needs a night out on occasion, right? There are so many bottles out there that it can be very overwhelming. Unless you have a child with colic or you are really concerned about air, I have found that Medela bottles* work just fine. If you have a Medela breast pump*, then these bottles eliminate some steps. You can pump directly into them and then feed baby with them later. We used Dr. Brown’s bottles* with Savannah and had no major complaints, but they do have a lot of parts and we opted to use the Medela bottles for our other children to make bottlefeeding simpler.
6. Exersaucer*
I have a love/hate relationship with this item. I love it because my children love it, but I hate it because it’s so big and bulky. It takes up a good amount of my limited floor space, but is a great item to have when you need baby to be safe and contained. We love the Evenflo Mega Beach Baby Entertainer* because it keeps our babies happy during playtime.
7. Baby carrier
When baby is a newborn, we usually transport them in the infant carrier that clicks into their car seat. But once baby gets to this age and has good head control, we ditch the infant carrier seat for a baby carrier. The infant carrier seat just gets too heavy and cumbersome for long-term use. I absolutely love my Baby Bjorn*, although I know others swear by other brands.
8. Baby monitor*
Once we move baby into their room {which is usually around 3 months}, we use a baby monitor to listen in on baby. We have always used a basic audio baby monitor*, but some people swear by video monitors. I’m sure they would be nice, but I can’t speak from experience.
What are your favorite baby items for this stage?
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