As you know, I’m on a mission to live on The Teacher’s Salary, which means doing what I can to spread that salary as far as it will go.
One of the ways that we save is by me cutting Brady’s hair. Naturally, boys who wear their hair shorter need trims much more often than girls with long hair. Savannah and I get our hair cut once or twice a year, but that would never fly with The Teacher or Brady. Since The Teacher is in the National Guard and has regulations for his hair on drill weekends, we leave that up to the real professionals. But, I can’t bring myself to spend money every 6-8 weeks on haircuts for a 2 year old.
Laura from Heavenly Homemakers shows you how to cut boys’ hair like a pro.
I’m definitely wouldn’t classify my skill as being at the professional level, but I think I’m getting better each time using her method. A decent pair of scissors*, a small comb*, and a couple of lollipops help me get it done in minimal time and with my sanity intact!
I cute my grown up son's have. He is about 23 and is in the military and he likes to wear it short. I get my hair cut ever two months because I am growing it out and I go in monthly I would get no place. Been there done that before.
That's so great that you cut his hair at that age. I'm not as scared cutting my son's hair since he's so little, but I hope to have gained confidence {and skill} by the time he's a teenager and actually cares about how it looks! 🙂