Someone special in our house turned 5 months old last week! I swear one of these days, I’ll get these posts up in a more timely manner. At least I took the pictures on her actual birthday!! Here’s what our girl is up to at 5 months!
*She was eating 5 times a day, about every 3 hours or so. I’m trying to work towards extending that to 3.5 on a more regular basis, so we’ll see how that goes!
*She has officially started solids! We decided to start her on rice cereal a couple of weeks ago (even though 6 months is the norm according to the doctor). So far, it’s going pretty well. We have worked up to giving it to her at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She definitely prefers it warm and does better if I nurse her on 1 side first rather than starting with it right away. We’re taking our time, which is sort of nice. It’s been messy, but fun to see her try new things!
*She continues to sleep really well at night! I’m really hoping it will continue! She is sleeping between 11-12 hours at night. The other night, we had friends over and I let her stay up a little later than normal, but she ended up falling asleep in Kevin’s arms before we could get her to the crib. She was ready for her sleep!
*She is still taking 3 naps, and I will occasionally put her down a 4th time if she didn’t nap well earlier or if she acts cranky. Today, she fell asleep while we were at Target, so she will sometimes take short catnaps if she’s tired enough.
*She is no longer being swaddled. In fact, we probably dropped that shortly after the 4 month post while we were visiting family in Mississippi. It was wonderful while it lasted, but she’s doing great without it! And have I mentioned that she manages to turn all sorts of ways when she sleeps? 🙂
*She is still wearing size 2 diapers, but I think we’re on the verge of 3’s. I still have quite a few 2’s left to use up that were given to us, so I will hold off as long as we can!
*She weighed 14 lbs. 4 ozs. at her recent doctors visit which was at the end of April. She was in the 45th percentile for weight. She was 26 inches long which puts her in the 90th percentile for height. It’s looking like she might be tall like her mommy and daddy!
*She is wearing 3-6 month clothes exclusively, and some of those seem a little small now (mostly in the length). I love putting her in the rompers (or are they creepers?) when the weather is real warm!
*She is talking more and more these days, which I absolutely love! In fact, the talking sometimes sounds more like high pitched screaming. I’ve noticed she talks the most when she’s on the floor or in her crib by herself. It’s so much fun hearing her talk and squeal on her monitor before I get her up in the mornings!
*She continues to suck her thumb and put her fingers in her mouth! She sucks her thumb mostly when she’s tired, and she’s constantly trying to put her fingers in her mouth when I feed her the cereal.
*She is still working on sitting up on her own, but she definitely is getting stronger and stronger! When she’s on her back, she’s constantly twisting and turning and rolling to her side.
*She has officially turned over, but doesn’t do it all the time. One of the times she did it was during one of her naps and I didn’t notice until I heard her and looked in to check on her! We recently purchased an exersaucer, and she seems to like it so far.
*She is ticklish on her chest and I love taking advantage of that and making her giggle! She continues to smile at people who smile and make faces at her!
On a more boring note, she is still using the apnea monitor while she sleeps at night as well as during naps. Her pediatrician called in for one more data download at the 4 month visit and said he’d put the order in to release her from it if everything still looks good. They have told me this before, so I have no idea when it will actually happen. I honestly think it’s more an issue of her doctor not following up between our visits. They make the orders for the downloads and then I never hear anything until we go in for the next visit, so it becomes a cycle that never ends. It doesn’t bother me because I honestly don’t mind her being on it , but I do need to make a phone call to see where things stand. As much as I like the sense of peace I get knowing she’s being monitored, she can’t stay on it forever!
Overall, this month has been wonderful! I seriously don’t think I could have a more easy going baby (knock on wood) and just love this stage we are in! I know that things can change on a dime with children, so for now, I’m just thankful for being well rested and having such a happy baby. She is truly a joy and is a ray of sunshine in our home!
We love you so much, Savannah!
Happy 5 month birthday Savannah!! She and Karlena sound so similar…well except for the sleeping 11 hrs at a time thing…but who's keeping track?! 🙂 I am still lucky if I get a 3 hr stretch at night! I have been resistent to trying the rice cereal b/c it is just another sign she is growing up TOO fast! But maybe that would help things. Enjoy the summer with her, just think pretty soon they will be crawling!! Ahhhh!!!
aw, so exciting! what a great update and wonderful, adorable pictures too! she is such a happy baby and that's a true testament to wonderful parents. 🙂
Adorable! Love the one w/her big smile!