* You are drinking whole milk from the sippy cup and are doing great. You prefer the Tom Tippee, but we are working on getting you used to a straw sippy cup. You are not a fan at this point, but you can do it.
* You are a pretty good eater overall. You like grilled cheese and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, green beans, sweat peas, most every fruit, ground beef {in cheeseburgers or meatballs}, yogurt, Cheerios, and so much more. You do not like chicken, broccoli, or string cheese.
* You sleep about 12 hours each night, with bedtime at 7:30pm and wake-up time around 7:30am. You wake up happy in the mornings and sometimes I don’t even hear you until I walk upstairs to get you.
* You are still napping twice a day, on most days, but you do not need your morning nap every day. If we are out and you miss it, then you are fine, but there are some days when you get fussy around 10:30am and usually a short nap does the trick. You are typically down from 1:30-4:00pm in the afternoons.
* You are wearing 12-18 months clothing. You look like such a big boy in your pants and long-sleeved shirts. There is something about a preppy little boy that just melts my heart!
* You are walking all over the place and into everything! You are climbing up steps and onto chairs {and table tops}, so we have to keep a close eye on you. We’re trying to teach you how to come down steps, so you can get down safely.
* You have 10 teeth now {6 on top and 4 on bottom}. Your molars came in on top in December. I think you are working on your bottom molars now, but I haven’t seen anything poke through yet. You like brushing your teeth, but you like to chew on your toothbrush more than anything else.
* You are still learning your highchair manners. We’ve had to work a lot on not throwing your sippy cup or dropping your food when you are finished. You know the signs for “all done” and “more” but don’t like to use them. We’ve had some battles lately and just need to keep on working at it. You are strong-willed! 🙂
* You are definitely talking more. So far, I’ve heard you say Mama, Dada, no, uh-oh, and purple. You know 3 animal sounds {ruff-ruff, moo, and meow} and we are working on body parts now. You are certainly more vocal, but not saying a whole that we can understand. We are still waiting on a early intervention speech consultation with the county. If you are behind, I don’t think it’s anything to be overly concerned about, but it will be nice to get some more feedback.
* You got a little at-home trim back around Christmastime. Folks kept saying you were getting a mullet and it was starting to hang down below your collar, so I figured it was about time. Your hair is definitely a strawberry blonde and is so cute {or should I say handsome}?
* You love to play with any and every toy you can get your hands on. You enjoy your blocks and are getting more excited about cars now, but you still have no issue playing with your sister’s Strawberry Shortcake or Sophia the First figurines. You love it when I read you books and are so good at turning the pages for me.
* You and your sister are quite a pair. You love to play with her and jump on her, but you also like to take her toys and knock down her blocks or tents. But, she does the same to you, so I guess you’ll just have to work it out as the years go by. There are some days when it seems like you fight constantly, but I am praying there will come a day when you are best buddies.
* You are quite a charmer and like to give us all sorts of smiles when you are disobeying. We have started using timeouts when you disobey and you HATE them. You wouldn’t think that a 1.25 minutes timeout would be a big deal, but it is to you! 🙂
Just precious! You have a beautiful family!
Thanks, Christine! I'm very biased, but I think they are pretty cute! 🙂