I have a feeling that this post won’t get all that many page views, but it’s totally fine with me because this post is more for me than anyone else. These days, if there’s anything I want to remember, I had better write it down, or better yet, blog about it.
So, before time get too far away from me and my memory fails me, I figured I’d better jot down some of the details of our little Davis’ delivery day!
As with Savannah and Brady, we opted to induce labor early with baby Davis. With our history of unexplained full-term stillbirth, my doctors are usually on board with inducing anytime after 37 weeks, but I wanted to wait as long as possible. We ended up making it to 38 weeks and 5 days, which is a week longer than with Savannah and 3 days longer than with Brady. I was proud of myself for making it that far without going insane from worry. Those last few days are really hard for this mama!
7am – Kev and I arrived at labor and delivery and waited around 20 mins. to be called back.
8am – I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the awesome nurse who was with me during Andrew and Savannah’s birth would be with us for little Davis’ birth as well. She got my IV in with practically no discomfort and we were ready for showtime.
8:30-9am – My doctor checks me and I’m not very dilated, so she decides to insert a “balloon” to help. I start walking the halls soon after.
9-11am – The balloon helped, although my doctor told me I was dilating even as she was putting it in, so it probably didn’t do a whole lot of good. She breaks my water after the balloon practically fell out. I alternate between walking the halls and standing by the bed in my room. Cramping starts gradually and turns into real contractions, but they aren’t horribly uncomfortable yet.
11am – Contractions are still bearable but more uncomfortable and require some focus and concentration to get through them. Kev and my sister did a great job helping massage and do what they can to help me. {FYI: My sister has been with me for all 4 deliveries}. My nurse suggests some positions as well to help the baby move down into position.
12pm- Contractions were getting close together and I could tell that things were going to move along quickly. My nurse returned from her lunch and she could tell it would be soon and begins to prep the room.
1pm – I don’t recall exactly when I “transitioned,” but I knew it was time to start pushing when I felt like I couldn’t make it much longer. You know, that feeling like you think you are going to die from the pain? Yeah, that’s when I know that it will be over soon.
My doctor made it into the room just in the nick of time. From what I understand, she ran into someone in the hall trying to get there in time and had to apologize later- ha! I pushed for what seemed like forever, which was much different than with Savannah and Brady. With them, it seemed like it was just one or two pushes and they popped right out. Apparently, Davis had broad shoulders! 🙂
1:20pm – Davis John is born weighing 9 lbs. 6.5 ounces and measuring 22 inches long. I was so happy to get that little “big” guy in my arms. He was sunny side up just like his older brother, but it was love at first sight!
Congratulations! I'm a fellow baby loss mom and so I love reading your story of bringing another live baby into the world. Im so glad you made it that far along without going crazy! We are 36 weeks right now with our second rainbow and Im hoping to make it to 38 without going crazy (we lost our first at 38 weeks 4 days). Welcome Davis, he is adorable!!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment! I will be praying for you as you approach delivery day!! Hang in there- you can do it! 🙂
So Happy for all your family ,what a beautiful baby boy… God give you grace and strength,wisdom,and joy ,and restful assurance in each new day, thank you Lord ,for all you have done.You are Great ,and faithful, your Love is perfect,,so Lord yes lead your flock like a shepherd, Lord do gather the lambs in your arms, and carry them in your bosom,and gently lead those that are with young,,, 🙂
Thank you so much!!
I have been waiting so long for the good news – Congratulations! And way to go with the A, B, C and D boy names! 🙂
Thank you so much! Once I realized our first 3 boys were A, B, and C, I had to make sure his name started with a D- you are one of the few who noticed! 🙂
What a wonderful story, Sarah! and what amazing first photographs of you and Davis! those early pictures always choke me up. so glad he's here and part of your family. 🙂