Our littlest guy is becoming less and less of a baby and more and more of a toddler right before our very eyes. I’ve been meaning to get this post up for a little while, but you have us on the go now that you are mobile!
Here what you’re up to these days.
* You are drinking lots of milk and water with your sippy cup. You also love drinking from a straw. You can drink from a normal cup, but we tend to rely on the sippy cups for now. We’ll work more on normal cups though!
* You are a pretty good eater overall. You love meat, fruit, cheese, and some veggies, but can be picky with a new food that you are familiar with yet. You will often pick up new foods, bring it to your lips, and then drop it back onto your tray without a single bite. It’s funny to watch as you “investigate” whether something is worthy of a try.
* You are a great sleeper, sleeping from 7pm until 7:3oam. If you wake up sooner than that, then I can’t tell because you play quietly. There have been some exceptions, but it’s usually when you are teething.
* You are taking 1 afternoon nap around 1:30-3:30pm. We decided to drop your morning nap a month or so ago when you decided that you didn’t need it and played the entire time. It was a pretty easy transition for you, so I think you were ready.
* You weigh 28 lbs. 2 ozs. and measure 35.5 inches long. Your doctor says you are growing well!
* You are wearing size 5 diapers.
* You are wearing size 18-24 months clothing. I love seeing you wear your brother’s hand-me-downs. You’ve gotten some new items too, so don’t worry. I also love getting to see your cute little baby rolls on your legs. They are priceless!
* You are walking very well and starting to climb more and more. We’ve worked on steps a little bit. I don’t like you to climb them alone, but I also want to make sure you can do it safely. You are all over the place and keep us on our toes, that’s for sure!
* You are more and more vocal with your opinions, oftentimes with yelling and screaming. We encourage you to use your words instead, but you are determined to get your point across one way or the other.
* You play with anything and everything. You love books, puzzles, blocks, and most anything that you can get your hands on. You even love to play with the items in my desk or the contents of my purse. You can destroy a room very quickly!
* You love to be where your brother and sister are, but you are also joining in on the fighting too. You don’t like it when someone is playing with something you want and you don’t mind taking it away. We are trying to teach you sharing, but we know it’s a process!
* You have 12 teeth now – 6 on top and 6 on the bottom. You have all your first year molars and are waiting on your incisors to come in next. You love to brush your teeth. We honestly forget about it sometimes, but you love it when I ask if you want to brush teeth. You get excited and run straight for the bathroom.
* You are talking like crazy. You babble a ton, but you are saying a few words now too – Mama, Dada, es (for yes), no, more, Bady (for Brady), sissy, car, and probably much more. You repeat a lot of words when we ask you and you understand a ton! If I ask you if you want milk, you run straight for the fridge.
* You love it when we read to you. You point at all the pictures and love turning the pages, although you sometimes get mad when I make you wait until I’m finished reading the page.
You can be such a handful at times, but you are also the sweetest little cuddle-bug on the planet.
We love you to the moon, Davis John, and can’t imagine our family without you in it!