It seems like you have really jumped head first into toddlerhood these past couple of months. Where, oh where, is the time going?
Here is what you are up to these days.
* You are still primarily using sippy cups and love to drink milk and water. You ask for sips of anything else we may have, if we haven’t given it to you voluntarily. You ain’t too proud to beg! 🙂
* You are a decent eater overall and eat most of what we serve you. Your favorites are sandwiches and every fruit on the planet, but you also like cheese, breads, and yogurt. You aren’t as crazy about veggies, but we still give to you anyway. Some days you eat them, others you don’t.
* You are a great sleeper, sleeping from 7pm until 7:30am. If you wake sooner than that, you are usually known to play quietly in your crib.
* You are taking 1 afternoon nap a day between 1:30-3:30pm. Sometimes you will sleep longer if you are really tired.
* You are wearing size 5 diapers. I could probably move you up, but I’m too cheap and these are still working fine.
* You are wearing 18-24 months clothing, with some 2T shirts mixed in as well. You have lots of clothes from your brother and it’s been fun to compare pictures of you and him at this age wearing some of the same outfits!
* You are walking exclusively and are very proficient at climbing. I still don’t like to leave you alone to go up and down stairs by yourself, but you are very good at it and I don’t have to worry nearly as much. You usually go up and down on your stomach like a good, safe, little guy. 🙂
* You are talking a ton! You repeat tons of words and I just love hearing you talk! You still have little conversations filled with gibberish, but you are doing a great job of using words to tell us what you need rather than screaming. Some of your words include: down, up, ead (=read), done, wa-wa (=water), cah (=car), and much, much more. I even heard you counting some the other day!
* You love to play! You love puzzles, blocks, books, and love dumping out anything and everything you can get your hands on. You love to play in the sandbox or on the swing set out in the yard, but also love your Cozy Coupe.
* You are a little force to be reckoned with and will stand up for yourself (and sometimes cause trouble) with your siblings. You and Brady especially can get into it, but also love to play and wrestle, so I guess it balances out. We just moved the two of you into the same room so I’m curious to see how that transition will go after Brady has been so used to sharing a room with Savannah. So far, it’s been fine and I hope it continues!
* You have 16 teeth – 8 on the top and 8 on the bottom. Your incisors finally came in during May and June. You still love to brush your teeth, and head straight for the bathroom as soon as we mention that it’s time to brush teeth!
* You still LOVE to read. You grab books, bring them to us, and then say read! It’s the cutest thing ever. Your favorite books are I Love you Through and Through* and Ten Tiny Toes*. You ask us to read those over and over again. You’ve recently added Red Light, Green Light* to your list of favorites. Your comprehension is great too! I love to ask you to find different things on the pages and you do a great job of pointing out the different objects I mention.
* You have the cutest curly hair and I can’t bring myself to cut it yet. It’s getting a little long around your ears, but I just adore seeing your curls in the back of your head. I’m going to wait as long as possible before I dare cut it!
You are growing up so much, Davis. I can hardly believe that this fall will bring your 2nd birthday! Time is flying by so quickly!
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