In case I haven’t mentioned it before, Kevin and I are trying to conceive again and the roller coaster of emotions has begun again. We were told to wait 3-4 months to begin trying, but haven’t done anything to prevent a pregnancy since we lost Andrew. There’s just no way we could try to prevent something that we want so badly. Since I was able to deliver him vaginally and healed well, things were fine from a medical standpoint.
After my exam, we sat down to come up with a “plan.” He recommended we try clomid/progesterone for 2 cycles, but did mention maybe re-doing some other tests if we aren’t successful after 2 cycles. I walked out of that appointment so empowered! I felt really good that we had a strategy and I had some medical guidance. I had actually forgotten that I had even taken progesterone when we conceived Andrew. I had a small luteal phase defect and the progesterone helps take care of that pretty easily. That’s probably gibberish to many of you – if any of you have questions, just shoot me an email. I’m happy to answer questions. 🙂
I continue to pray for the Lord’s perfect timing in all this. I am so grateful for medical doctors and for the plan that we have, but the Lord is the great physician. He has a plan for our family, and I have to believe and trust in that promise. A month or so ago, I was reading in Proverbs 16:1 which says, “To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.” There is a footnote in my Bible that answers a lot of the questions I had when thinking about fertility plans.
So this is where Kevin and I find ourselves. We have a plan, but we are trusting the Lord with the results.
I will begin praying for you and your husband.I pray that this is a short TTC journey for you. My husband and are right were you are. We have decided to start ttc again and are going back to our RE in Jan. We have a wonderful RE and I felt like you did about needing the extra support. So all that you were saying just sounded like everyday talk to me 🙂 I feel like I could right a book about luteal phases, charting and O-triggering LOL.
I hope this Christmas morning will be filled with love and comfort.
Yup, those are two very LOOOONG weeks…praying for you guys that round 2 will be successful!!