I just realized it’s been quite some time since I actually posted a blog update! Things have been busy around here! I thought that things would slow down in October, since our office renovation was complete, but boy was I wrong!
We immediately switched gears and began working hard on cleaning out my grandmother’s house here in Richmond. She is currently living in an assisted living facility in town and my family is working on getting her house ready to sell. Kevin did a lot of work cleaning out the attic this summer, but this past month was when it all kicked into high gear. Numerous hours were spent throwing things out, donating items to Goodwill, and pricing items for a yard sale a couple of weekends ago. I’ve done my best to help out, but am certainly limited to what I can do since being pregnant.
The entire process has been a learning experience. I have learned a lot about yard sales and what items people are actually willing to spend money on – who knew that horse figurines would be some of the first items to sell? I’ve also learned just how important it is to do routine “spring cleaning” and decluttering! One does NOT need 3 sets of dishes!! Anyway, the work continues with my grandmother’s house, but at least we have moved out of the cleaning out phase and now onto the fixing/sprucing up phase. I’m anxious to see how it looks once it’s ready to go on the market!! It’s sad to see her house empty, but we’re so thankful that she is happy and being well cared for in her new home. My grandmother has adjusted so well, which has surprised us all.
A couple of weekends ago, Kevin and I took our first trip apple picking! We didn’t get any pictures since we were just enjoying the moment, but I certainly anticipate us making it an annual family affair. I wish Andrew could have been with us, but I do look forward to bringing Miss Savannah along next year. I had intended to bake some things with the apples, but I ended up just putting some in the frying pan and letting them simmer for a while. We ate the rest rather quickly though!
This past weekend, Kevin and I were in Harrisonburg, VA with our church family at our church retreat. It was a very much needed weekend of retreat and teaching. I still managed to be exhausted when we returned home, but it was still a fantastic weekend. The speaker was great and gave me a lot to think about regarding how we as Christians must not allow the culture to dictate truth. It can be a real challenge to balance living in the culture, but not being “of” the culture, if that makes sense.
Today marks 32 weeks for Savannah and I. This week is a big week for doctor’s appointments. This morning, I had my very first biophysical profile. It went well and my doctor said that our little girl knocked it out of the park. Our girl is up to 4 lbs. 5 ozs. which puts her in the 53rd percentile. So far, it’s looking like big brother may have her beat as far as weight goes. We shall see though. We didn’t get very good pictures this time, since she was head down and facing my spine. Hopefully we can get a good one next week! Tomorrow will be my appointment with my OB. I am hoping to discuss a possible induction date. I’d love to put it on the calendar soon, even if it’s just tentative for now.
On Thursday, I meet with my blood doctor. I’m hoping it will be my final appointment with him during this pregnancy. My platelet levels have been stable the entire time (although they continue to be low compared to what is normal), and I’m starting to feel like the appointments aren’t productive. I have been able to convince them not to see me monthly, so it hasn’t been as bad as it was with Andrew when they saw me monthly. The main issue at this point is how to handle delivery. Since most anesthesiologists will not administer an epidural at my levels (although my OB found one when I had Andrew), I’m not sure what they will want to do. My doctor said he feels like I could have open heart surgery with no problem, so he doesn’t particularly want to do any treatments just to appease an anesthesiologist (steroids didn’t work last time anyway). It may just be a matter of documenting all of it in my charts and having a consult with an anesthesiologist. Believe it or not, I’d like to try and go natural this time around, but I need to have all options available.
Physically, this pregnancy has been great. I really have no complaints at all. My little girl appears to be super healthy and my body seems to be holding up well. I’m so thankful for that, especially considering how tough this pregnancy has been emotionally. I feel so unprepared to actually bring this little girl home, because I have been so focused on just getting through this pregnancy. And I don’t just mean preparing her room. clothes, etc. I’m thinking more along the lines of how to actually care for her and raise. I’m certainly no expert, but I’ve done pregnancy and delivery before so it hasn’t necessarily been uncharted territory. But how to care for and raise a child….yeah, that’s where I am clueless. How does one actually breastfeed? And what sort of discipline techniques will we need to implement? And when? I know we’ll get there, but right now, it’s taking all my energy to just get through one day at a time. Which is really all God asks of me anyway, right?
Thanks for the update!! I have been wondering how you have been. Still praying for you every morning.
Best Mommy advise I can give here 😉 You love and pray all over them….Everything else will work itself out and I PROMISE you will figure it out!
As far as breastfeeding ( I know your questions were retorical but on well) We have a store in my town that is devoted to just nursing mothers. It is called A Nuturing Moment ( huntsville AL) and they have a website that has great info and stuff! If you dont have that, you will have lactation consultants. I say find a good one and have a consult. Mine was invaluable and really helped me figure everything out. The first 2 months it is really hard but once you both learn everything it will be second hand! Be patient and know it is a learning curve. I never thought I would nurse James until he was 15 months but I did and it was wonederful.
Hi Sarah,
thanks for the update. I would highly recommend that you read Babywise. That book has really helped us. I read it when I was pregnant and then again shortly after bringing Zac home. The main focus of the book is on infant feeding and sleeping with the ultimate goal of getting them to sleep through the night by 9-12 weeks. Zac is 7 weeks today and he is almost there:)
Anyway, we are praying for you all.
Jenny and Billy Hamner
I used Breastfeeding Made Simple when I was curious about nursing. It was amazing- best book I bought regarding baby-care. I wound up missing my BF class and still had no issues with my son nursing which I credit to this great book. It explained things so well, I felt like I had informed questions to ask the nurses/lactation consultants at the hospital and have used it since as reference (weaning etc).
thanks for the update! I've been checking for awhile:) Glad you're doing well. Still praying!
Thanks for the updates on ya'll! Oh, I love BFing!! You can get a lot of help from a lactation consultant and if you think you need one def use them! They're great! BFing can be tough at first. I always have sore nipples. It wasn't quite as bad this time but it seemed to last longer. Get through those first few weeks and you'll be good. Baby (most of the time) automatically knows how to latch and suck from the breast. Both Kyndra and Lainey latched and sucked great.
Don't worry you'll be a great mom and mommy instinct can really kick in once baby is here.