Look who just turned 2 months today!! I can’t believe our girl has been with us for 2 months now- the time has flown. This little girl has brought such joy to our lives and brought so much healing to our hearts. There will always be a part of our family missing here on Earth, but we rejoice in the Lord’s goodness is giving us another child! Here are some highlights of what Savannah has been up to:
*She eats about 7 times a day now (down from 8) and seems to have gotten pretty good at nursing. It takes her much less time to get her fill.
*She is sleeping about 8 hours a night almost every night (woohoo!).
*She outgrew her newborn diapers and is now sporting size 1’s.
*She weighs around 11 lbs. 3 oz. now. We have a couple more weeks until the official 2 month appt but I tried weighing her at home, so we’ll see.
*She’s wearing 0-3 months clothes, although her Gerber onesies seem to be a little small lengthwise, so she may graduate early to 3-6.
*She smiled for the first time a couple of weeks ago (the picture below was the first one I could get on camera).
*She has finally learned how to nap! She still cries and fusses some when we put her down, but she will eventually fall asleep and wake up happy!
*She really enjoys kicking around on the floor on her activity mat.
*She prefers to work on turning over rather than lifting her head during her tummy time. She gets lots of practice with those neck muscles when I burp her though.
*She loves to kick her legs and move her arms all around.
Someone is ready for the photo shoot to be over!
Now that we’ve gotten the hang of breastfeeding, it’s actually enjoyable, especially when I get to look at this sweet girl!
Thank you, Lord, for another wonderful month with our sweet Savannah. We pray that her heart will be softened towards the things of you. Give us wisdom as we seek to raise her according to your ways!
Beautiful post and beautiful little girl!
So sweet!!