You guessed right! SAVANNAH!
It just so happened we saw the doctor the day before Savannah’s 3 month birthday, so I got to see how much she is growing. It was technically her 2 month check up since her pediatrician is popular! Here’s what she’s been up to this month:
*She eats at least 6 times a day, usually every 3 hours until her last feeding of the night. She still nurses well, but I have been giving her 1 bottle a day to keep her used to taking it.
*She is sleeping between 8 and 9 hours at night on most nights. She occasionally wakes up around 5:30am – most of the time she will fall back asleep on her own and sometimes she will not go back to sleep unless I nurse her.
*She is still being swaddled when she sleeps. I’m in the process of trying to transition her away from it (since she has learned to break out of it), but I still find that she needs it at this point, at least at the beginning of nap/nighttime.
*She is still in size 1 diapers, but she is also using some of the 1/2’s that we have. I have started using generic diapers for daytime to help save some money, but continue to use Pampers at night.
*She officially weighs 11 lbs. 11 ozs (as of a week ago). I was a little surprised since she weighed 12 lbs at home but I guess it is just a difference in scales. This puts her in the 25-50 percentile for her age.
*She measures 23.5 inches long. This puts her in the 50-75 percentile for her age. It’s looking like she may be tall like mommy.
*She is starting to outgrow her 0-3 months clothes. I have been working on putting some of them away and pulling out the 3-6 months clothes that we have.
*She is still giving us lots of smiles during her waketime, which is so much fun! Melts my heart! 🙂
*She has discovered her hands! She enjoys sucking on her fingers now, and can even be found trying to put her fist in her mouth. So cute! This does become a distraction at naptime sometimes!
*She is still napping pretty well – 4 naps a day prior to bedtime (which is usually after her 7pm feeding). Some naps are better than others, but overall, I think she’s doing pretty well.
*She is continuing to gain more and more head control, so I have started putting her in her Bumbo seat at least once a day to practice sitting up.
*She continues to love kicking around on her activity mat. Sometimes she fusses when she is done eating, but cheers up once she can spread out on the floor. She still doesn’t love tummy time, but can tolerate more of it now. She continues to turn over shortly after we put her on her tummy.
I can’t explain enough how much I love this little girl. She truly has been our rainbow after the storm. We love her more and more each day and are so thankful that God choose us to be her parents! Andrew must be one proud big brother!
Looks like she is growing wonderfully!! Happy 3 months!! 🙂