It’s hard to believe that you are 9 months old, Savannah! I have to chuckle at how much faster time flies by with you outside of my belly than it did when you were in it! It’s hard to believe that fall is here and in just a blink of an eye, you will be turning 1! I get choked up just thinking about that. Here’s what you are up to these days!
* You are still eating 4 times a day. You are still nursing well, but sometimes I wonder if you will make it all the way to 1 year. You are so busy that you hardly stay still long enough to drink your milk!
* You are still enjoying solid foods, but it seems like you are starting to have more opinions about what you want and how much of it you want. You are still eating purees, although I am making them chunkier for added texture. I am still working on transitioning you to more table food, and I try and give you some of whatever we may be eating. You tend to prefer the “less messy” finger foods like Cheerios and mostly play with foods like bananas. I can already see that mealtime is going to get messier!
* You have 6 teeth now – 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom! I love seeing your top teeth when you smile, although you look so much older now!
* You still don’t seem too interested in your sippy cup. You will chew on it and play with it, but I have yet to see you actually drink from it. I’m hoping you will become more interested in it soon! I may opt to try the straw sippy cups to see if you have a preference.
* You are still a great sleeper at night – usually 11-12 hours each night. We are so thankful and pray it continues for a long time!
* You are still taking 2 naps each day, although they are sometimes unpredictable. Some days you nap perfectly and others you sleep just an hour or so at each nap. I aim for 1.5-2 hours for each nap, but I have to remind myself that you are not a robot. Napping is also a little harder since you are mobile now. You like to stand up when you wake up, which makes falling back to sleep a little less likely if you wake up early. Overall, you seem well-rested and happy, so I am grateful.
*You are still wearing size 3 diapers, although you are on the verge of moving up to size 4’s. Your 3’s are getting a little snug, so we may just have to bump you up once we have used up all the 3’s that we have.
*You weighed 18 lbs. 14 ozs. (50%) and measured 28.25 inches (50-75%) long at your 9 month check up. The doctor said you looked great and was very pleased!
*You can still squeeze into a few of your 6-9 months clothes, but you have outgrown most of them and are into 12 months clothes. Just this past week, I have been working on pulling out all your fall/winter clothes!
*You spend most of your wake time on the floor, crawling all over the house. You will spend some time playing with toys on the floor, but so much of your time is spent following me around while I do housework. You will go into the exercauser or the jumper if I need you contained, but you do not like to be in there long! You like to be out and about!
* You love to explore! I love to watch you spot something on the floor and then go straight after it until you get it. You love electronics and will go after the remote and my cell phone with a vengeance.
* You are getting really good at pulling up! You pull up on the couch, kitchen chairs, cabinet doors, and anything else that you can find to grip! Sometimes you even protest nap time/bedtime for a few minutes by pulling up in your crib. We heard you beating on the crib rails the other night!
The time is literally flying by, Savannah, and next thing we know, we will officially have a toddler on our hands! It has been a true joy to watch you discover new things! We can’t wait to see what you will be up to next!
She is just adorable!! I can't believe she has 6 teeth already…I just wish I could get Karlena's 2 top teeth to come already. She went from sleeping well to getting up several times a night which is unlike her. Maybe it is a growth spurt!! Take care and have a great weekend!!