I’m in total denial that my little girl is 11 months old! She’s becoming more and more like a little toddler and less and less like a little baby with each passing day! Here’s what you are up to now!
* You are officially being weaned! We started a week or so ago and you are down to nursing 2 times a day. You get formula in either a bottle or sippy cup for the other 2 times.
* You are basically eating all table foods these days. You seem to be a really good eater in my opinion, which I hope will continue. You had your first McDonald’s cheeseburger recently and gobbled it right up! You still seem to enjoy veggies and fruits as well! I sure hope that continues!
* Your drooling has continued off and on, but still no new teeth! Time will tell I guess!
* You are slowly getting accustomed to your sippy cup. You will drink from it now, but you like to take your time with it. It can be slow, but I’m just glad to see progress!
* You are still a great sleeper at night – 11 to 12 hours each night. We are so thankful and pray it continues for a long time!
* You are still taking 2 naps each day. I started to wonder if you were gearing up to drop your morning nap, but I don’t think you are ready just yet. You can do alright if you miss it one morning here or there, but overall, you seem to need at least a short nap in the morning.
*You are wearing all size 4 diapers now. I remember when they used to swallow you, but I can tell you are growing into them more and more.
*You are wearing 12 months in everything, and I am bumping you up into 12-18 months in a lot of things. Just today, your little 12 months “jeggings” seemed a little snug around your belly! I’m so curious to find out how much you weigh at your appointment next month!
*You are officially walking! A couple of days ago, you started taking a few steps independently. The longest stretch was 9 whole steps! You probably thought I was crazy for clapping and rooting you on so loudly! You still crawl when you need to get somewhere fast, but each and every day I see you walk more and more!
* You are becoming more and more inquisitive! You used to use the cabinets knobs to pull up, but now you are realizing there are lots of neat things behind those doors! I have to keep a close eye on you when you roam around the house because we still haven’t baby proofed the cabinets!
*You are finally starting to figure out how to wave. You will do it occasionally, but never on command. After we left church the other day and wouldn’t wave for people, I spotted you in the car waving at yourself. You know how to do it, but I guess you are being shy with it or just don’t know when it’s the time to do it! 🙂
*You are talking even more these days! I still don’t understand most of it, but it’s precious to listen to you! I wish I knew what was going on in that mind of yours!
It’s really hard to believe that you are almost 1 year old! We are planning a small family party at our house on your birthday. It won’t be anything extravagant, but I’m excited to celebrate making it through the first year! Time flies when you are having fun!
So much fun anticipating her first birthday!! She is adorable!!