Happy Friday!
Today at Kellys Korner (www.kellyskornerblog.com), her Show Us Your Life post is all about your favorite charities/non-profits, so I thought I’d link up! What a great way to learn about new opportunities to give!
I thought I’d list some of the ones that mean the most to me in case you are not familiar with them!
Web Address: https://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/
We were introduced to this organization when I was in the hospital about to deliver our stillborn son, Andrew, who had gone to be with Jesus when was 38 weeks pregnant {you can read our story HERE}. My L&D nurse mentioned this organization to my husband when I was laboring and suggested we call them if we thought we’d be interested in their services. Not sure exactly what this organization was, my husband made the call and we are forever thankful that we did.
This organization’s mission is to provide professional remembrance portraits to parents suffering the loss of a baby. They provide their services free of charge and offer the portraits in black and white. Our photographer was so gentle and caring, and did a great job of capturing what little time we had with our son. We will cherish the photos that we have of our son forever.
Web Address: http://www.intervarsity.org/
I was introduced to this organization when I was a freshman in college. I believe it was my second or third day on campus when I walked by their table out on the lawn in front of the chapel and got some information. I can’t speak highly enough about my participation in this college ministry while I was attending University of Richmond. I was challenged and encouraged to grow in my faith during a time when many college students often walk away from their faith.
The basic purpose of this collegiate organization is to advance communities of faith that love God, his Word (the Bible), and the people of this world. One of the things I love most about this organization is that it is non-denominational. When there is so much disunity within some Christian churches, I love that this organization promotes unity. The folks who work on campuses across the country raise their own salary, so they appreciate it so much!
There are so many other organizations that I would love to support, but most of my favorites are related to infant loss or my Christian faith. Below are a few more websites that you may be interested in.
The Gideons International: http://www.gideons.org/
Sufficient Grace Ministries: http://sufficientgraceministries.org/
The Isaac Delisle Foundation: http://isaacdelislefoundation.org/
CHAT (Church Hill Activities & Tutoring): http://www.chatrichmond.org/
What are some of your favorites? Feel free to link up with me at KellysKorner or leave me a comment! I’d love to hear!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend!