This week’s way we save post has been one of my favorites so far this year. It’s all about coffee and how I save money with reusable K-cup filters!
My love of coffee is somewhat recent. I started drinking coffee when I began working full-time in an office after college graduation. I have never been a morning person, so I needed the extra dose of caffeine before starting the work day.
After choosing to stay home with my kids, I sort of got out of the coffee habit. I’d drink it sometimes when I was with friends, but it wasn’t really part of my daily routine. I didn’t even own a coffee maker until a few years ago when some friends got one for me as a Christmas gift (I’d just make instant at home if I really wanted it). Most of my closest friends are coffee drinkers and they were tired of coming over to our house and having no coffee to drink. Instant coffee was not acceptable to them.
Fast forward to now and coffee has become something that I really enjoy. I will admit that I do drink it in the morning to help me wake up. Those early weeks with newborns practically require some extra help in the morning. Now, I find myself really looking forward to sitting down with my coffee, no matter when I get the chance.
Knowing how much I like my coffee, this past Christmas my niece gave me a Keurig machine*. She totally outgifted me! I wasn’t really in the market for one since I knew the K-cups added an extra expense that I wasn’t sure I was willing to spend over the long haul. I was satisfied with my Mr. Coffee machine*, although I certainly loved the convenience of the single cup machines and it was always a treat when I’d use them at other people’s homes.
When I finally had my own, I started paying more attention to the price of the K-cups. Luckily, my sister mentioned that they do sell reusable K-cup filters* that you can use with your own ground coffee. For my birthday back in March, a dear friend of mine gave one to me. I swear, I have the BEST family and friends, don’t I?
Here’s the deal. I still buy K-cups and like to have them on hand, but I don’t use them very often for myself. Unless I’m in a hurry, I’ll almost always use my reusable K-cup filter*. I believe that my friend purchased mine at Christmas Tree Shops, but I see them all over the place.
I haven’t done any fancy analytics on my savings, but I know that using bagged coffee is cheaper than the individual K-cups. They do run sales on K-cups, but they are still an extra expense that I’m trying to keep to a minimum.
I absolutely love being able to enjoy my single cup serving of coffee while not having to break the bank.
I purchase my coffee at bus for $11 for 40 ozs. Depending on how much grinds you use I calculated it to be between 6-7 cents a cup. I have never seen k cups below 20 cents and consider this more economical than a traditional coffee pot since there isn't any waste!
Bjs not bus, lol
I never really thought about how you don't have as much waster with K cups, so that's a great perspective. Thanks for sharing!!