The holidays flew by and I have to remind myself not that my 1 year old is now actually 15 months! You wouldn’t think there would be that much difference, but a lot can happen in 3 months.
Here is what you are up to these days.
* You are doing great drinking from sippy cups. You can drink from a normal cup as well, but most definitely need us to help. It’s messy, but you can do it! You drink milk at every meal and we offer you water if you are having a snack. It seems to do the trick just fine.
* You eat everything we eat, as long as it’s not too hard. You love fruits, but will eat most vegetables as well. So far, you don’t seem to be allergic to any foods. You are very interested in feeding yourself with a spoon, so we are working on that when we can. Otherwise, it’s with your fingers! We are still working on highchair manners- like not throwing your cup or dropping your food onto the floor when you are finished. You can do the signs for: more, all done, and milk. You don’t do them all the time, but we know you CAN.
* You are sleeping great at night, from 7pm to 7:30am. It’s wonderful!
* You are napping pretty good, although you had some rough days while you were cutting your molars. You usually nap in the morning from 9:30-11am and then again in the afternoon from 1:30-3:30pm. If you miss a nap here or there, you are okay, although we adjust your bedtime accordingly.
* You weigh 25 lbs. 5 ozs. and measure 33-1/4 in. long.
* You are wearing size 5 diapers.
* You are wearing some 12-18 months clothes, but they are getting snug or too short on you. It depends on the brand, but I’m pulling out some 18-24 months clothes to get us through the winter season.
* You are walking really well. You walk exclusively now and you are getting faster and faster. The other day, you were mimicking me marching too. It was really adorable.
* You are a busy little guy and into just about everything. We keep the stairs gated most of the time, although we’ve been practicing the stairs together when I can follow behind you. You are slow, but you are getting it. We haven’t practiced going down yet.
* You are still pretty flexible and chill, but you are definitely becoming more vocal. You scream loud if we close the doors to rooms we don’t want you to go in or if we have to put you down when you are in the mood to snuggle. You let us know you are mad when you don’t get your way – ha!
* You can entertain yourself pretty well – with or without toys. You can destroy a room in no time, but I’ve also watched you put toys back in the baskets one by one. It’s funny to watch! You love to get into the cabinets, toilet bowls, and trashcans, so we have to keep you contained unless we are watching you like a hawk. Your sister and brother are really helpful with that when I am busy doing housework.
* You love it when I read to you. You love to point at all the pictures and turn the pages. You laugh when you see me grabbing a book off the shelf. It’s so precious. You love hearing me make all the animal sounds when we read.
* You have 10 teeth now – 6 on the top and 4 on the bottom. We are still waiting on your last one year molar to emerge. You still suck your thumb, but only when you are tired. Don’t ask me about brushing your teeth because I’ll dodge that question. #thirdchildproblems
* You are talking up a storm. I love to listen to your babbling and I so wish I could understand what it was you were trying to say. You haven’t added any new words that I can recognize, but I sure do love hearing you say “mama!”
* You love it when we tickle you and play with you. I could listen to your laugh and stare at your smile all day. You love playing with your siblings too. I’ve caught Brady already trying to wrestle with you, so it should be fun as you get older.
You are a handful at times, David John, but this is such a fun age too. I love seeing your personality begin to emerge. Time is going by so quickly – slow down!
What a sweet baby! I so enjoyed having him the other night!
Thanks for taking great care of him, AH! And make sure you honk next time you see me!! 🙂