Well, you are still our baby, but I guess you are technically no longer a baby! Where on earth did this year go?
Here is what you are up to these days.
* You are officially weaned! You are still drinking some from the bottle, but are doing well with the transition to sippy cups. You are drinking 3-4 times a day, starting at 7:30am. We offer you one last bit of milk before bed, but you usually don’t drink much. I think you’ll be down to 3 cups of milk very soon.
* You are eating soft table foods. Once we had the okay from the doctor, we added in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and you LOVE them! So far, you haven’t had any allergies to anything. You love most everything that we offer you and seem to have a very healthy appetite. When you are hungry, you are hungry!
* You are sleeping great at night, usually from 7-7:15pm to 7:30am. I’m so thankful!
* You are napping well these days – usually a morning nap around 9:30am and then an afternoon nap around 1 or 1:30pm. You usually sleep for about 2 hours for both.
* You are still wearing size 4 diapers, but I’ll probably bump you up to size 5’s soon.
* You are wearing 12-18 months clothes and you wear size 4 shoes.
* You are crawling all over the place, but are also doing some walking. It’s so fun to watch your steps become longer and longer. You are definitely mobile! So far, you haven’t shown an interest in the steps, but that is only a matter of time.
* You are a very busy little guy. You are into everything – trash cans, cabinets, drawers. If I don’t want you in it, then it’s probably where you want to be!
* You are still really easy going and laid back (unless you are really hungry and we aren’t feeding you enough). If you are cranky, it’s usually because you are teething, are sick, or missed a nap for some reason.
* You can usually entertain yourself, but you also love to be where people are. You rarely play in your own room, unless your siblings are in there for some reason. You love to be where they are and I love watching them spend time with you. Savannah helps keep you safe and lets me know if you are into something you shouldn’t be. Brady has started to play with you more and is growing into his role as big brother very nicely.
* You love books. You love turning the pages of the books, but sometimes you don’t like to wait for me to finish reading the pages. You laugh and giggle at the books with bright pictures!
* You have 6 teeth now – 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom. You still suck your thumb, although only when you are really tired or hungry.
* You are talking more and more! I hear a lot of babbling, but you say “dada” and “mama” now and I’ve heard you grunt some when I ask you certain questions. You’ve probably said more words, but your older siblings seem to always be talking, so I have probably missed them!! 🙂
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I can hardly believe that you are no longer a baby! You will always be my baby, but you know what I mean. You are getting more and more independent as every day passes and while I’m a bit nostalgic, I’m also really excited to see you continue to grow and develop! I am one smitten Mommy – one look at you and I melt! You are a treasure and we love you so much!
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