September was a crazy busy month, filled with lots of adjustments and new routines. Since I knew that it would be a lot, I kept my goals to a minimum and I did pretty well. If y’all have read here long, you know that I love monthly goals but I’m not always great with getting to them all. I’m okay with it though because I’d rather aim high and miss than never try. Right? 🙂
Before I move on, here’s a quick rundown of how September went.
1. Date night with The Teacher
I am going to mark this one as complete because we did have one, but we didn’t plan well so it wasn’t our best. I didn’t take my own advice when it comes to planning a successful at-home date night. It was still better than nothing!
2. Get rid of kid’s clothes that we no longer need
I was really pleased with my sales at the local consignment sale a couple of weeks ago. I sold all but 20 items and earned over $250. I donated a lot of other items that either didn’t sell or that the local consignment stores didn’t want. It felt good to get rid of a lot of clothes!
3. Buy the remaining items for the kid’s fall/winter wardrobes
I got almost everything that the kids should need for the fall and winter. There are a couple of items I’ll have to pick up, but I was really pleased to find some good prices on new clothes over labor day weekend and then again at the same consignment sale where I sold items.
4. Complete another project in Savannah’s room
I was able to complete a very small project that I plan to blog about soon. It wasn’t anything fancy, but I think it turned out well and was very inexpensive!
{Davis tagging along with me to pick up supplies at Michael’s}
5. Read Spark Joy* and skim The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up*
I won’t mark this one off yet, but I have started Spark Joy*. I haven’t had a lot of time for reading lately, so it’s taking me longer than I’d like.
6. Determine new blogging hours
I pretty much have a schedule, but I’m just going to have to be okay with the fact that they may have to fluctuate from week to week. I’ve also come to the realization that blogging during nap time is not a guarantee.
* * * * * *
Here’s my plan for October goals
1. Date night with The Teacher
2. Power wash the house and weed flower beds
3. Finish reading Spark Joy*
4. Work on tidying papers (using the Kon Mari method)
5. Complete another project in Savannah’s room
6. Do a freezer cooking session
There you have it. I’ll report back and let you know how I do.
* * * * * *
What are your goals for this month?
P.S. For more frugal family inspiration delivered to your inbox, subscribe to my email list here.
{Note: This post contains affiliate links. Read disclosure here.}
I love making goals too! It sounds like we are in a similar time of life where blogging during naptime may or may not actually happen. Do you have a set number of hours you try to blog per day? I still feel like I’m trying to find my blogging groove. So far the only time I can guarantee not being interrupted is in the wee hours of the morning.
Aimee, with nap time no longer being guaranteed work time, I am usually just limited to the evenings. I have 8-10pm blocked off on my calendar most nights, but even then sometimes there are interruptions. I used to stay up working on blogging until midnight or later, but since my daughter started school, I am trying to get in bed earlier (she has to be up and ready for the bus by 7am). I can totally relate to your struggle to find your groove!! Hang in there though! Have a great day! –Sarah 🙂