I talked about at-home date nights on a recent Facebook Live video, so it was fitting that this month’s date was an at-home date night. We brought some food in and enjoyed watching The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2* together. We have such different taste in movies, but we both agree that we LOVE The Hunger Games movies*.
2. Schedule a physical for myself & appointment for Savannah
I did make an appointment for Davis’ well visit, so maybe it counts? 🙂
3. Finish up necklace board
I am so excited to have this project FINALLY completed. I love the end result and I love the extra space I now have on my dresser!! Check out my tutorial HERE.
4. Read 1 book
I started The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up* by Marie Kondo, but I haven’t finished it up yet. I’m hoping to finish it up while we are travelling the next couple of days.
5. Register Savannah for school
Done! And now I’m going to need to schedule a therapy appointment for September.
6. Turn in forms for preschool
7. Research short at-home exercises to help strengthen my arms and core
I decided to focus more on getting into the habit before I stress too much about what I’m doing. I’m focusing on building my core muscles now and then I’ll move onto arms (baby steps). I’m just using an old Pilates video that I have at home for now.
8. Change out my clothes
I’ve done a little of this, but not a complete transition. I’m sort of thinking I may focus on finishing the book*, so I can try and implement some of the Kon Mari method and transition my wardrobe at the same time.
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Here is my plan for May goals
1. Have a date night with The Teacher
I think it’s time we get a babysitter and hit the town this month.
2. Schedule a physical for myself & appointment for Savannah
Needs to happen this month.
3. Finish reading Marie Kondo’s book*
4. Create a strategy/plan/schedule for de-cluttering the house
Once I’m finished the book, I’d like to figure out a timeline or plan of attack so that I can really make some headway throughout the summer.
5. Short ab workout at least 3 times per week
Focus on building the habit this month.
6. Finish up the final touches of our upstairs bathroom renovation (we are so close!)
I just need a window treatment, some final decorative touches, and then to organize the linen closet thoroughly.
7. Spruce up the flower beds in the front yard
I’d like to get some fresh mulch and plant some flowers in the front.
8. Make some decisions about switch to WordPress
This process of moving to WordPress has been hanging over my heard for a couple of years now and I just need to make official decisions about it.
There you have it. I’ll report back and let you know how I did!
Also, if you aren’t currently following along on Facebook, I’d encourage you to do so. I typically broadcast live around 1:30pm, where I talk about different aspects of frugal family life. I won’t be on this week, as we are travelling, but I’d love to have you join me again next week!
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What are your goals for this month?