Look who is 10 months old! You are as busy as ever, but here is some of what you are up to these days! * You are still nursing 4 times a day, but you are so busy that it can sometimes be a big task to keep you still long enough! * You are enjoying solid foods. You are still eating some purees, but you are eating more and more table food. You have tried grilled … [Read more...]
Savannah at 9 Months
It's hard to believe that you are 9 months old, Savannah! I have to chuckle at how much faster time flies by with you outside of my belly than it did when you were in it! It's hard to believe that fall is here and in just a blink of an eye, you will be turning 1! I get choked up just thinking about that. Here's what you are up to these … [Read more...]
Savannah at 8 Months
Savannah, I can hardly believe you are 8 months old! * You are still eating 4 times a day. You are still nursing, but either you are much faster at getting what you need, or you just aren't as interested. You usually nurse 6 minutes on one side and I'm lucky to get 3 minutes on the other. I was a little anxious about that at first, but the doctor said that was normal at … [Read more...]
Savannah at 7 Months
Savannah, you are now 7 months old! I'm already getting a little emotional that our girl is getting closer and closer to being 1 year old! This is all happening way too fast! *You are eating 4 times a day, every 4 hours during the day. You are still nursing well! *You continue to enjoy your solids. You usually eat oatmeal & fruit for breakfast, yellow … [Read more...]
Savannah at 6 Months
Savannah turned 6 months old yesterday! It's hard to believe this milestone is upon us! Here's what you are up to at 6 months! *You are eating 4 times a day, every 4 hours during the day. You are still nursing well, but very quick. Sometimes I wonder if you are getting enough to drink, but you seem to be doing fine! *You are enjoying your solids and have become quite … [Read more...]