Savannah, you are now 7 months old! I’m already getting a little emotional that our girl is getting closer and closer to being 1 year old! This is all happening way too fast!
*You are eating 4 times a day, every 4 hours during the day. You are still nursing well!
*You continue to enjoy your solids. You usually eat oatmeal & fruit for breakfast, yellow veggie & fruit for lunch, green veggie & oatmeal & fruit for dinner. Your favorites seem to be sweet potatoes and peaches, but you really seem to enjoy everything we have fed you so far. I’ve been making your baby food for a few weeks now, which has been a lot of fun. I am looking forward to being more daring as we continue on!
*You are still enjoying your highchair and we have enjoyed having you sit at the table with us when we eat our dinner. You watch us like hawks, so we may try and experiment with some finger foods and sippy cups soon.
*You continue to sleep well at night, although you have started to wake up a little earlier in the morning. You are in bed by 7:30pm and we hear you at 6:45 or so, but we let you stay in your crib until 7am.
*You are in the process of transitioning to 2 naps a day. For a few days, you decided to play in your crib for over an hour at night before falling asleep and still woke up at 6am, so I think you were ready to drop that catnap.
*You are wearing size 3 diapers now. They seemed so big at first but you are filling them out well now.
*You weighed 17 lbs. 7 ozs. (50-75%) and measured 27-3/4 in. (95%) when I took you for your check up at the doctor on July 5th. The doctor raved about you and your progress, which made me so proud! You cried a little after your shots, but you were fine within 5 mins afterwards.
*You are wearing 6-9 months clothes. You are getting long for even some of those, so we’ll see how long you last. I’ve been trying to stock up a little on some discounted summer clothes for next year which has been fun!
*You still love to talk when you are playing by yourself, but also love to squeal and scream too. You can be quiet and contemplative at times but can also get loud when you want! You are very interested in everything around you and are constantly turning your head and watching what people are doing. You are easily distracted!
*You are much more interested in reading and books than you used to be. You like to bat at the books and try to help Mommy and Daddy turn the pages. You try and eat the books too!
*You put anything and everything in your mouth these days! You still love your thumb, although it mostly just comes out either when you are eating or when you are tired. You have also cut your first tooth and I think you are working on another one since you are drooling a lot and have had a bit of a runny nose the past couple of days!
*You are sitting up really well now. I still like to sit behind you in case you loose your balance, but I rarely have to catch you. I have even watched you get yourself from sitting to laying on your back. It wasn’t the most graceful transition, but you did it! You also like to stand up when I pull you up from laying on the floor. You are getting stronger and stronger!
*You are getting more and more mobile, although still no crawling! You turm over constantly and just today, you did a complete circle while on the floor. You are all over your crib when you are playing in there after you wake up from naps. I wish we had a video monitor to see how you get from one place to the next in your crib!
We have enjoyed spending this summer with you, Savannah! You fill our hearts with such joy! We love you so very much and can’t wait to see what God has in store for you!
Savannah is such a sweetie. Time is just zooming by. Don't blink momma! (:>)
Love, Linda
Awww!! So sweet!!