I’m a total slacker! Really, I am!
Sometimes, I think one of the reasons that God put me on this earth is to make all of you feel better about yourselves – ha! (If you only knew how many days this week that I made it out of my pj’s, you’d feel like your “off” day wasn’t so bad afterall.)
With 2 small kiddos and feeling like you are attached to the breastpump all day, there’s just no point in trying to be too ambitious during the day because I have learned that it normally just won’t happen. Maybe I’m not a slacker afterall, but just a busy “with my hands full” mom like many of you out there (I wouldn’t have it any other way though)!
With this in mind, I had 2 objectives in mind for this Valentine’s Day. Two! 1-2! That’s it!
1. Purchase and send Valentine cards to a few family members. Sidenote: my mother loves Valentine’s Day and I found out a few years ago that she sometimes gets her feelings hurt when she doesn’t receive any Valentine cards from us. Who knew??
2. Make Valentine’s Day cookies with Savannah!
Well, I am here to report that I was not successful in completing both objectives for the day. It’s sad really! We just could not find a time in the day when both kids were awake, dressed, fed and ready to go out to purchase those Valentine cards (by the time we got to that point, it was time to eat lunch and take naps). I hope to make it happen tomorrow, although they will be received even later than they already would have been. Better late than never, right?
But, we did make some cookies today! They were supposed to be Valentine’s Day cookies, but when I realized that I had no red or pink decorations and no heart-shaped cookie cutters, they just became normal sugar cookies that we happened to be making on Valentine’s Day! I was on a roll today, huh?!
We didn’t do anything elaborate today but the important thing was that we enjoyed time in the kitchen together and made a memory! How was your Valentine’s Day?
Oh she is getting so grown up!! And the new blog look is adorable too!! 🙂