As soon as I posted the other day asking for prayer, the devil immediately had me questioning whether it was the right thing to do. Should I really be putting all my struggles out on the internet for the whole world to see? Who am I to be asking for others to pray for me? The list goes on…..
Whether I choose to ask for prayer on my blog or other internet outlets, one thing is clear to me….the devil doesn’t like it when people pray. He will do anything and everything to put a wedge in between our relationship with the Lord, while prayer does exactly the opposite. So, I just want to take a moment to thank you prayer warriors! Thank you for lifting us up and for putting the devil in his place on our behalf. I was truly humbled by all the folks who are praying for us. Please know that my words can’t express my gratitude. It is a beautiful thing and I truly believe this is the way the church is supposed to work. Keep up the good work though, since we still have 9 weeks to go! While I’m feeling less anxious today, I don’t want the devil to catch me off guard! Any of you who may struggle with anxiety may understand that it truly can come out of nowhere.
We had a good appointment today with my high risk doctor. Savannah is doing well and weighing in at 3 lbs. 1 oz. She is in the 58th percentile and measuring 4 days ahead. I spoke with my doctor about my struggle with over analyzing her movements and he was extremely understanding but also gave me some reassurance regarding my kick counts. Essentially, a movement is a movement and I’m not to judge a strong movement versus a subtle movement, since the way I feel the movements can change based on her position. In 3 weeks, he will begin weekly biophysical profiles (I think that’s why he called them). From the sound of it, it’s a combination of non stress tests and ultrasounds. Between his weekly visits and my weekly visits with my OB, I’ll be seeing the doctor’s quite a bit! I’m so thankful for their good care for both Savannah and I.
Please let me know how I can be praying for you. Please feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message. It would be a privilege to lift you up to the Father. I want to make the devil cringe on your behalf!
Yep, the devil doesn't like it when people start praying!! Are you getting NSTs right now or are they gonna start those when they do the BPPs?