My heart has been a little heavy the past week or so.
You’d have to practically live in a bubble to not see all the tragedy, destruction (sometimes even self-destruction), devastation, and utter chaos that is going on in the world today. Here’s a list of just a few of the headlines of some news stories that come to mind when I think about just things I’ve heard about this week.
– Josh Powell Told Sons He Had a ‘Surprise’ For Them
– Jury Selection Begins in Yeardley Love Murder Trial
– Jerry Sandusky House Arrest: Concerns Of School Could Alter Bail Conditions Of Ex-Penn State Coach
– Henrico Infant’s Death Ruled ‘Suspicious’
My heart can only handle but so much of this at a time! Today I finally lost it as I was watching a special on ABC Sports where they recounted the story of a 23-year old Loyola Marymount University player who dropped dead on the basketball court back in 1990 in the middle of a conference tournament game. I know that particular story was many years ago, but it was just too much for me!
If you haven’t realized it yet, we live in a fallen world. I see so many people put all their hope into living this life to the fullest, but the fact of the matter is that we were made for more.
We were made for more than what this earthly life has to offer.
Don’t get me wrong. I have a blessed life. To deny that would be a slap in the Lord’s face. For some reason beyond my comprehension, He has chosen to bless me with wonderful friends and family, a loving and faithful husband, two precious children, an encouraging church family, and so many other material things that are just icing on the cake. I certainly don’t deserve any of it!
But, during weeks like this past one where all I seem to hear about is tragedy after tragedy, I am reminded that life is fleeting.
How do I really make sense of the fact that Josh Powell chose to attack his sons just moments before he set his house on fire?
How do I make sense of a college student committing a violent act against his girlfriend, that resulted in her death?
How do I make sense of a man who molested little boys in a college locker room and now wants to sit on his back porch and watch children play on the playground at a nearby elementary school as he awaits trial?
Why do I keep hearing of countless stories of babies who are dying?
The only thing that makes sense in light of these sick, heinous acts is that we were made for more than this world.
Without preaching a sermon here, I have to go back to what I know to be true. I’m no theologian and I don’t intend to start a debate, but here’s what I know to be true from my understanding of Scripture (this is very much simplified and I’m sure some really smart person could fill in the gaps that I may have left).
– God created us in His image to live in perfect harmony with Him and others (Genesis 1:27).
– Adam and Eve messed it up by disobeying God in the Garden of Eden – thus sin enters the world and we are each born with this sinful nature (Genesis 3:1-7).
– Our relationship with God and mankind was broken and we now live with the consequences. As sinners, we can no longer be in a relationship with a perfect and holy God. This was the beginning of death, disease, shame, twisted thinking, etc (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23).
– God was not willing for our relationship with Him to be broken forever, so He chose to redeem His creation (Ephesians 1:7, Titus 2:14).
– God sent His only son, Jesus, to walk this earth and eventually die for the sins of mankind. Since Jesus is part of the Holy Trinity, He was the only perfect person who could take on such a task (Romans 5:8).
– Jesus died on the cross, but death could not contain Him. He rose from the grave on the third day and conquered death!
– Since Jesus took our sin upon himself, once we choose to accept that we are sinners and confess that we believe in what Jesus did for us, we can then have a relationship with God again (Romans 10:9)!
Here’s the thing, in the midst of all this craziness we see around us, there is hope! My hope is that there will be a day when I will no longer live on this broken Earth where I am surrounded by death and destruction. While I’m not saying I want to die tomorrow, my hope comes from the fact that I know there is more to this life. I was made for eternity and I have chosen to accept Christ and assure myself of living that eternity with Him!
I don’t know how people get through this life without that hope.
Where is your hope? I’d love to hear your thoughts (even if they differ from mine)!
You pretty much summed it all up Sarah!
We were created for more than this life. This world is not my home…I'm just a passin' through! My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from heaven's open door…and I can't feel at home in this world anymore!
Love this post Sarah!