One of the things I love about blogging is that I have an ever-growing online scrapbook of my little family. It’s so nice to look back every now and then and read about what was going on at different times in our life, especially for the pretty big milestones like birthdays!
Although we celebrated Brady’s first birthday a couple of weeks ago at Carter’s Mountain Orchard, I couldn’t let the day pass without celebrating his actual birthday. I know it sounds cliche, but I literally can’t believe the year went by so quickly! I think his first year may have gone by faster than Savannah’s, but then again, life is a little busier too! 🙂
I decided to read my post about Brady’s birthday and it was so nice to remember back to that special day. Since I haven’t even purchased a baby book for him yet {I am caught up on Savannah’s now so it’s time to get one for him}, I’m so glad that this blog can help jog my memory.
Click HERE to read Brady’s birth story for yourself, if you’d like.
Brady’s birthday was a wonderful day. We hadn’t yet learned about his cleft palate, but just enjoyed those early moments getting to “take in” our baby. He was such a handsome little guy and it truly was love at first sight.
To celebrate today, we decided to go out to dinner. This Mama loves any excuse to NOT cook. 🙂 I took to Facebook to try and find a restaurant where kids ate free {and thank you all for the suggestions – we will probably use them another time}, but then I remembered McAlister’s. I was psyched when I called them to verify and they said they still did it. I love that place! 🙂
Brady has his well visit tomorrow, so I’m curious to see how he’s growing. His little personality has totally blossomed and it’s been such a blessing to watch him grow and be part of molding his little life. We pray every day that God would grab hold of him at an early age and that his life would be one big testimony to God’s love and grace.
This little guy has brought so much joy to our home and we are so thankful to be his parents. I remember being a little surprised when we found out we were expecting Brady and I wondered whether the timing was “right” because we had just sold our house and would be moving in with my grandmother. If we had known the stress that was to come, we probably wouldn’t have been trying to conceive at all – ha!
Looking back, the Lord knew exactly what He was doing. During the long and drawn out home renovation process, Brady was what kept me sane. When things would get really stressful, Brady was a constant reminder of what was really important in life…a healthy baby. He’s such a special little guy and my cup is certainly overflowing!
Happy Happy Birthday Brady!! You are one loved little boy!!
Yes he is!! 🙂
Happy Belated Birthday to him! My family was always looking up whichever restaurants had the highest ratio of free kid meals to adults. At one point there were 6 of us under 12 so restaurants with high ratios were definitely our favorites! 😛